Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Jonathan's Angels Fund

Donativo protegido
Hello Family and Friends,

        This website is to raise awareness of the HLH virus that took Jonathan's life. HLH stands for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. HLH is a life-threatening condition. It is often caused by an inherited problem of the immune system. Principally T cells and NK cells, don’t work properly to destroy infected or damaged cells as they should. Because of this, the immune system becomes overstimulated and over activated. The immune system then begins to damage the patient’s own tissues and organs, including the bone marrow, the liver and the brain.

      Jonathan fell short of 31 years because he departed 4 days before his birthday. Nevertheless, it would be a great privilege to contribute to his memory. All proceeds will go to his family for his burial and anything left over will go to his children. The family would appreciate your best gift to hel p with the expenses. Jonathan has touched many lifes and deserves the best burial life has to offer. Please help the familiy and make your contributions today.

       The family would appreciate if you would share this post with your friends and will be greatful for all donations of any size.

Thank you all in advance,

Jonathan's Angel Fund


  • Denise Eggins
    • $25 
    • 8 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Sharon Moore
Modesto, CA
Noelle Owens

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