C-SAEF Protecting the Children
C-SAEF or Colorado Security Against Emergencies Foundation is a 501(c)(4) organization that is dedicated to protecting our children in schools with trained staff in many different areas.
C-SAEF was started by several grassroots organizations that have come together to train and even in some cases arm our faculty that protects our children each day we send them to school.
For more information on C-SAEF please visit
We are working with the Buckeye Firearms Foundation in Ohio to start a movement to train our teachers and staff to protect our children. Buckeye has piloted the F.A.S.T.E.R program:
“In any violent encounter, the faster you realize the threat and stop it, the better. Time is especially important during school shootings. Faster response leads to fewer casualties. F.A.S.T.E.R. stands for Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response. Everyone agrees that safety training is important, but in active killer situation the "emergency response" must happen fast to save lives. - See more at: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/faculty-administrator-safety-training-emergency-response#sthash.YJJeT93s.dpuf”
The Colorado governor, John Hickenlooper, in an interview on November 18th 2014 said he’s willing to talk about the possibility of teachers carrying guns in Colorado schools. “I’m certainly open to that discussion,” he said during an interview with CBS4. “The ability of people to defend themselves in a world that increasingly looks chaotic (is important). There is not a parent in this state that doesn’t want to make sure we’re doing everything possible to make their kid safe.”
This funding will help pay for the training, travel and lodging for any faculty member in Colorado that would like to go through the training. It is our intention that no faculty pay for this training. It is our hope that our legislators will act on Hickenloopers comments and put a common sense bill on his desk for him to review and sign. When that happens we want our Teachers and Administrators to be ready to protect our children.