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Raising Money for me and my mom after our accident

Don protégé
On September 20th 2021 me and my mom were on our way back home from picking me from my college class and we got to spring creek rd and a person is in a car coming towards us on the wrong side of the road and swerving we tried moving out of the way but it hit our front and drivers side and our car started spinning 360 degrees my mom is currently in the hospital with a broken femur and a shattered patella she is in excruciating pain and it’s going to be many surgeries and a long healing process. I was the passenger in my mothers car and I suffered lots of bruising on my ribs, legs, diaphragm(chest), arms, and spine/back (I’m also 17) I’m trying to raise money for bills, a new car, and any other things we may need and would be highly appreciative #justice4cc #staystrong

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Kayla Knautz
Rockford, IL
Cassandra Peters

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