Raising money for cancer treatments & helixor IV.
Hello to all my friends on Facebook I'm Alexandra or for short Sasha K.A I'm a single parent I used to work as a nursing - aid back in 2019 one evening I was lifting up a patient from her wheel chair to the bed, and I felt a sharp pain &rip in my stomach I started to bleed Immediately, then I was proceeded to be token to the emergency room after a few days of dealing with this issue I had been put on leave for a few weeks.
Once I had returned to a much lighter work- schedule I had another insist where I was rushed to the emergency room, the doctors proceeded to advanced testing & had determent that I had abdomen-cancer after that happen I psychically couldn't work anymore had doctors sending me to different types of specialists doing all sorts of treatments fast forward a few months I had found the cancer therapy treatment plan & helxior IV treatment that I need to be doing in this current stage of the cancer however I've ran out of fund to proceed with any of it.
If I may ask for some assistance thank you to all & god bless you.