Help Rachel find a new home
Donation protected
Rachel is currently in a life-threatening crisis with her health and urgently needs somewhere safe to live.
After nearly 30 years of multiple autoimmune diseases (lupus, anaphylaxis, colitis, raynauds, endometriosis and others) she has now, due to her weakened immunity, developed severe electromagnetic hypersenstivity (EHS), resulting in her having to leave her home rented from the local housing association, due to the levels of microwave radiation from surrounding mobile phone masts and neighbours wi fi.
This is causing her many distressing symptoms, the most critical being abnormal heart rhythms, that could result in a heart attack.
Initially she lived for a year mainly in a shielded canopy in her bedroom to shield the signals until the mast levels increased. For the past 2 1/2 years she has been living mainly off grid - tents in the woods, yurts, huts, a friends shed, cabins and such like as the only way to stabilise her heart. This rustic living has been challenging with the other health issues she has to manage.
She is fundraising initially to buy an automatic campervan, so that she can have somewhere dry, warm and safe to sleep in. Longer term she hopes to buy a plot of land abroad in a warm dry climate where its more do-able to live off grid, where land is cheaper and where others wanting to come and focus on a healing retreat space away from signals chi gong, meditation and other positive, uplifting and healing practices.
An extended period of low or no exposure will reduce her sensitivity, much like an allergy can lessen when the allergen is avoided for a time. We are trying to find a longer term home for her in a place that's less exposed yet so far have not found an option after over a year of searching.
Rachel has been on a homeswapper housing schemes, appealed to the MP over housing, spoken out to the local papers, had an urgent medical letter for rehousing from the doctor and still the housing association or homeless associations have said while they have a duty of care to house her due to her health issues they cannot provide anywhere suitable. During this time too benefits have been cut and the NHS have not offered any support, despite and appeal for private funding to a clinic treating EHS, which was declined.
Initially she lived in a shielded canopy in her home before becoming too sick to stay and then subsequently has lived over much of the past few years in woodne cabins, tents in the woods, unheated caravans or those deemed unsuitable for human habitation, mud huts in the woods etc
Rachel received a medical diagnosis of Severe EHS or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity by a UK medical doctor - so doctors are now recognising this. This condition is characterized by a heightened response to RF radiation and electromagnetic fields, hence signals broadcast by mobile phones, mobile phone masts, wi-fi routers, cordless phones, and other everyday electronics can cause debilitating symptoms for Rachel, including severe headpains, disorientation, bladder and bowel problems, seizure type responses and heart arrythmias.
As you will be aware mobile phone mast signals and wi- fi are now nearly everywhere - making it extremely challenging for Rachel to go into shops, travel, get online much and making social activities unavailable - like being able to go into a cafe or join people for group events or even visit friends in their homes.
Rachel has explored for a number of years with St Thomas' hospital in London a gut bacterial transplant with the gastroentrology, which could reverese the bowel disease and possibly much of the autoimmunity and multiple sensitivity in giving her a stronger immune system. 4 yrs on and the NHS are still only offering this to patient's with C-difficile, so she does not qualify on the NHS, and a private course of transplants would cost approx £15,000. This may change in time with the NHS offering it yet Rachel is running short of time with the cascade of multiple health issues.
As well as having 15 yrs of high exposure by living next to mobile phone masts, Rachel is her teens and twenties had anorexia, and was given repeated electric shock therapy treatment (ECT) 3 times a week, over a couple of months - thankfully these days this 'treatment' is rarely being used nowdays - yet this intensive exposure to electric shocks in her 20's is likely one of the factors why Rachel has developed EHS so severly.
Rachel doesn't have funds or any property or possessions she can sell, or family support, hence appealing for help here.
Having overcome many other acute health challenges in the past she is optimistic she can with your help heal from this. She really wants to be of support to others and share the gifts she has.
We are so very grateful for any help that you can give.
Our love and thanks for your support
Approx guide of costing
Approx cost of a campervan - likely around £10,000 + for second-hand for one that's in good condition. To save costs she can buy a transit van for £5,000 and have it converted for £1,500 - £2,000 for insulation, labour, second hand mini woodburner and gas hob and fitted bed.
Removal of mercury fillings £3, 000 to £5,500 (the upper figures are by dentists specialising in safe removal of mercury and therefore less risky to Rachel's heart).
Heart Tests
(Image below of heart tests, done at the Gp surgery - 1. without wi-fi, 2. with exposure to a mobile phone switched on, showing abnormal heart rhythms. )

After nearly 30 years of multiple autoimmune diseases (lupus, anaphylaxis, colitis, raynauds, endometriosis and others) she has now, due to her weakened immunity, developed severe electromagnetic hypersenstivity (EHS), resulting in her having to leave her home rented from the local housing association, due to the levels of microwave radiation from surrounding mobile phone masts and neighbours wi fi.
This is causing her many distressing symptoms, the most critical being abnormal heart rhythms, that could result in a heart attack.
Initially she lived for a year mainly in a shielded canopy in her bedroom to shield the signals until the mast levels increased. For the past 2 1/2 years she has been living mainly off grid - tents in the woods, yurts, huts, a friends shed, cabins and such like as the only way to stabilise her heart. This rustic living has been challenging with the other health issues she has to manage.
She is fundraising initially to buy an automatic campervan, so that she can have somewhere dry, warm and safe to sleep in. Longer term she hopes to buy a plot of land abroad in a warm dry climate where its more do-able to live off grid, where land is cheaper and where others wanting to come and focus on a healing retreat space away from signals chi gong, meditation and other positive, uplifting and healing practices.
An extended period of low or no exposure will reduce her sensitivity, much like an allergy can lessen when the allergen is avoided for a time. We are trying to find a longer term home for her in a place that's less exposed yet so far have not found an option after over a year of searching.
Rachel has been on a homeswapper housing schemes, appealed to the MP over housing, spoken out to the local papers, had an urgent medical letter for rehousing from the doctor and still the housing association or homeless associations have said while they have a duty of care to house her due to her health issues they cannot provide anywhere suitable. During this time too benefits have been cut and the NHS have not offered any support, despite and appeal for private funding to a clinic treating EHS, which was declined.
Initially she lived in a shielded canopy in her home before becoming too sick to stay and then subsequently has lived over much of the past few years in woodne cabins, tents in the woods, unheated caravans or those deemed unsuitable for human habitation, mud huts in the woods etc
Rachel received a medical diagnosis of Severe EHS or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity by a UK medical doctor - so doctors are now recognising this. This condition is characterized by a heightened response to RF radiation and electromagnetic fields, hence signals broadcast by mobile phones, mobile phone masts, wi-fi routers, cordless phones, and other everyday electronics can cause debilitating symptoms for Rachel, including severe headpains, disorientation, bladder and bowel problems, seizure type responses and heart arrythmias.
As you will be aware mobile phone mast signals and wi- fi are now nearly everywhere - making it extremely challenging for Rachel to go into shops, travel, get online much and making social activities unavailable - like being able to go into a cafe or join people for group events or even visit friends in their homes.
Rachel has explored for a number of years with St Thomas' hospital in London a gut bacterial transplant with the gastroentrology, which could reverese the bowel disease and possibly much of the autoimmunity and multiple sensitivity in giving her a stronger immune system. 4 yrs on and the NHS are still only offering this to patient's with C-difficile, so she does not qualify on the NHS, and a private course of transplants would cost approx £15,000. This may change in time with the NHS offering it yet Rachel is running short of time with the cascade of multiple health issues.
As well as having 15 yrs of high exposure by living next to mobile phone masts, Rachel is her teens and twenties had anorexia, and was given repeated electric shock therapy treatment (ECT) 3 times a week, over a couple of months - thankfully these days this 'treatment' is rarely being used nowdays - yet this intensive exposure to electric shocks in her 20's is likely one of the factors why Rachel has developed EHS so severly.
Rachel doesn't have funds or any property or possessions she can sell, or family support, hence appealing for help here.
Having overcome many other acute health challenges in the past she is optimistic she can with your help heal from this. She really wants to be of support to others and share the gifts she has.
We are so very grateful for any help that you can give.
Our love and thanks for your support
Approx guide of costing
Approx cost of a campervan - likely around £10,000 + for second-hand for one that's in good condition. To save costs she can buy a transit van for £5,000 and have it converted for £1,500 - £2,000 for insulation, labour, second hand mini woodburner and gas hob and fitted bed.
Removal of mercury fillings £3, 000 to £5,500 (the upper figures are by dentists specialising in safe removal of mercury and therefore less risky to Rachel's heart).
Heart Tests
(Image below of heart tests, done at the Gp surgery - 1. without wi-fi, 2. with exposure to a mobile phone switched on, showing abnormal heart rhythms. )

Rachel Jane