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Ryan's Recovery Fund

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So many know of the unfortunate events that have happened in the last week.  For those who don't, Ryan suffered a stroke last Thursday (9/7), we still don't know the full reason, but one of the causes may have been due to a collapsed artery in his brain.  As I am writing this, he is still in ICU recovering in an induced coma to allow his brain to heal.  All of his CT scans up to this point have been normal and encouraging.  Yesterday afternoon (9/11), they started weening him off the sedation meds to see how he's responding, which was good news.  However, today (9/12) upon further testing the doctors are becoming concerned because his left side is not as responsive as his right.  They won't know exactly what is going on until a CT scan in the morning.  We are hopeful that it is not anything permanent and that the scan doesn't show anymore damage to his brain.

As of right now, there is no timeline on his recovery. Our focus is to get him healthy, awake and out of the hospital as soon as he's able.  As we receive updates on him I will post them here.  

The unfortunate side to this, obviously Ryan is not working right now and Amanda needs to focus on Ryan and Max so she is also missing work.  So we decided to start this GoFundMe to help raise some money for Ryan, Amanda and Max.  So that all 3 can focus on his recovery and not have to stress as much about the inevitable bills that will come of this.

I had no idea where to start the goal for this, all we are asking is if you can give anything to help the family out it would be greatly appreciated.  

I do want to send a special thank you to the team at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Appleton.  I was visiting Ryan and his family this weekend.  Not being close to Appleton, it was a great feeling to see the phenomenal care that they are providing Ryan and the time they are taking to make sure Amanda, Jeff and Sharon have all their questions answered without making them feel like a burden.

Please email [E-Mail ausgeblendet] if you would like to offer additional assistance for the fundraiser or anything else, or if you just want to send love to Ryan.

Lastly, if you have any questions about what's going on with Ryan please email thru the above email.  Amanda has asked to not be bombarded with a ton of emails so I said I'd help be an intermediary.

Also want to apologize to anyone that felt they should have known about already.  This has a been an unbelievably tough time for Amanda, and like the trooper she has been,  she has done her best to let people know what's going on.

Thank you again for all your support.



  • Carol Morris
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
  • Ann & Andy Gratton
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sean Cleveland
Cary, IL
Amanda School

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