QRP's 4th Annual 5K WalkRun
Tax deductible
On Saturday, October 9, 2021, at 11:00 AM Queens Royal Priest Hood "QRP" will hold its 4th Annual B-Cauze 5k Walk/Run. The Walk/Run will bring awareness to the crisis of Gun Violence in New York City while promoting safety, healthy living, and well-being. QRP is actively trying to create solutions and help mitigate the senseless violence but they need our help!
Please consider donating to help QRP reach its goal! All donations benefit this event and a wide range of specialized programming for communities in New York, Maryland, and North Carolina.
No amount is too small, and as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all donations are 100% tax-deductible.
THE EVENT: The group will begin on Far Rockaway Beach Boardwalk at Beach 90th St. and will proceed, along the boardwalk, all the way to Beach 17th St and Donahue Park. Participants will range from age eight through 80 can look forward to free food, and entertainment, as well as Gatorade and healthy snack tables which will be positioned at Beach 30th, 50th, and 70th streets. Local community-based organizations will support the event with educational materials and promotional items as giveaways.
More information about Queens Royal Priest Hood, Inc.: Our mission is to create programs and opportunities that will give children, young adults, and seniors from disadvantaged backgrounds access to opportunities in sports, arts, entertainment, and higher education.
Trina Perrineau
West New York, NJ
Queens Royal Priest Hood, Inc.