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Bring Funtime Arcade to Cleveland!

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Hey everyone!

We're Joe & Tom from the popular Youtube pro wrestling/gaming series Joe Gagne's Funtime Pro Wrestling Arcade . Over the past few years, we've built up a solid fan base of devotees and fans, coming to almost one million Youtube views of the series total. With that type of self-made interest comes opportunities to do bigger and cooler things. 

We're not delusional, in that this probably will never be a full-time job for either of us. But it'd be really great to take this little thing that we spend some free time creating and grow it into a cool, self-made internet thing. Without putting a lot of advertising time, money, or energy into it, we've already built a decent audience. But what if we were able to do more?

Recently, we were invited out to be heavily involved with a really awesome wrestling/geek culture convention in Cleveland, Ohio this August. They are interested in letting us do a lot of really neat things that could help us expand the reach of the show and network with others in the gaming and wrestling communities that could provide other cool opportunities down the line. Panels, live video game tournament hosting, live podcast events - some really rad stuff that would be in the Funtime Arcade name. 

The only issue? Transportation.

Being somewhat new and fresh to the convention game, the convention's budget for transportation isn't high. Some would scoff at that, but the opportunities to both make a few dollars once we get there and the networking/performance opportunities made it more than worth it to accept the offer as long as we could physically make it to Cleveland.

Coming from Worcester, Massachusetts, Joe would have a driving trek of over nine hours that just isn't do-able for a multitude of reasons, including having a limited timetable to be off of work and being down to one family car for the forseeable future. A plane flight would be necessary. In Tom's case, he would have a 5:15 car drive from Lafayette, Indiana - just close enough to negate a plane flight, but still far enough away to throw a good deal of money into his 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe gas-guzzler's gas tank.


We're both family guys (not the kind who have unnecessary flashbacks because our writers don't know how to pace jokes) and, like anyone else out there, most of our income goes towards much bigger things than our hobbies.  Bills, food, a handsome young son (in Joe's case). But, we're both dreamers who believe in this wacky YouTube series and want to make it more into just short videos about 8-bit wrestlers that we post online for guffaws.


We just need a little bit of help - a shove over the fence, if you will. We're asking for just enough money to cover Joe's plane ticket and the gas money to get Tom to/from Cleveland.


We don't have a sad story or any sort of emergency. We only have some really cool stuff we want to do with our fans (current and new) in Cleveland in August.

Thanks for reading and as always -- a winner is you!


Thomas Green
Lafayette, IN

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