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NYC/Israel ministry trip

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Hello friends, my name is Kara Johnston, and I've been given the opportunity to do something that I've considered and prayed about for the last year or so. Lord willing, I will be traveling with a team of college students to NYC and then to Israel to participate in urban ministry and to study Jewish culture and Israel's history and geography from a biblical perspective. I will also be working with the team in community outreach through local congregations. The team plans to leave mid-May and spend about a month total in NYC and Israel. 
My hope and prayer is that this will be an introduction to a possible future ministry, if this is how the Lord directs.
I would appreciate your financial support very much, but please don't feel obligated to give. However, if you would like to contribute to the cost of this trip, this calculation may be helpful: if 400 of my friends gave $10 each, almost all expenses would be covered for the trip. 
Please pray with me that the Lord will direct me specifically for this trip, and also for future ministry. Also, pray that if He works out the details for me to go, that He will use me to display the good news of His glorious grace to those around me. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this post! 

Please don't hesitate to contact me for more specific information! You can send me a message through Facebook, or if you prefer email, let me know and I'll send you my email address.


  • James Hall
    • 300 $ 
    • 8 Jahre


Kara Johnston
Soldotna, AK

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt