Clive Burroughs sponsored walk for Ben Moore.
Donation protected
I worked with Ben for several years at Five Oaks Audi. His (and Jenny's) Strength and Courage is AWESOME! There comes a time when Prayer alone doesn’t seem enough and you want to do something more tangible to help. I am planning to walk around Billingshurst’s Jubilee Field’s Trim trail ( 1 mile per circuit) on 12th May 2024. I have set a maximum of 10 circuits as my target – I shall be 80 years old next year and if I can complete 5 circuits, I will be well satisfied! I know that times are hard for us all (but not as hard as it is for Ben and Jenny!). Thanks in advance – Clive
‘’Ben is 36 and lives in Pulborough with his wife and golden retriever Shadow. He loves travel and especially has a soft spot for Florida. He's always had a passion for cars and loves following the F1.
Ben has sadly had a really tough time over the last 5 months. He first went into hospital in September 2023 and is still in and out of hospital now. After struggling with a sore hip for a couple of months he was taken to Worthing hospital and got diagnosed with a fractured hip. After two weeks of scans he was then transferred to Stanmore for a biopsy as they suspected the fracture could have been caused by cancer. Stanmore sadly diagnosed Ben with a spindle cell sarcoma, a life altering diagnosis and we didn't know how awful things were going to continue to get from there. In October 2023 his tumour was 8cm so they sent him to UCLH for chemo to try and shrink it. On Dec 22nd we were told his tumour was now 14cm and chemo hadn't worked. The only option now was to do a hip disarticulation (amputation). Ben was knocked for six by this information but on 16th January 2024 he had the operation. It went as well as it could have done and he is now back having further chemo. We also found out his tumour was actually an aggressive achondroplastic osteosarcoma.
This diagnosis has not only been physically and emotionally draining it has also really affected us financially. Ben is unable to work and as his wife I have spent a lot of time out of work caring for him. To date we have spent over £1,400 on travel and accommodation alone. This doesn't include food, fuel back and forth from hospitals and equipment we have had to purchase to help Ben.
We also found out recently that sadly the cancer has spread to his left lung. This is another massive blow for Ben.’’
Clive Burroughs