Needing wheels
Donation protected
Update 9/26/23
Great news!!!
We are just $100 from completing the offer from Keith. With this $100 and the offer from Keith, we will have crossed the finish line. And more good news is that I have a wonderful friend who has offered that if we make the goal here, they will loan me the difference!!
Here we go!! Vrooom!
Update 9/25/23
After multiple warnings about purchasing that particular model of Audi, I listened to my friends and canceled the purchase. So now I'm back in the market, but I'm a bit wiser on what it is going to take to get a vehicle that will meet my needs. I've been checking used car websites and have found several to go check out.
The great news is that my friend Keith Slaughter has offered to match donations up to $300, now through September 30th. So if you are able to help me get into a reliable car, now is a great time to donate to my fundraiser.
Blessings!! Sean
With the help of dear friends like you (and a few strangers too!!) I've generated $825 through this fundraising campaign. Add that to the $1,250 that came in for my birthday and I have about $2,075 to apply to a car so far. And I have other good news!! Read on....
Yesterday I was driving with my eye out for used cars. There's not many options in Oroville, but there is a Park and Sell on Olive Highway. There I found this cute Ford Escape that might work. The mechanic is still working in changing out the water pump and whatever else it needs to get ready to sell. He promised to have it done by the end of the week, so I'm going to return on Monday and see if we can work out a deal. He may also take my car as trade-in.
With all of this in mind, I have lowered the goal of the fundraiser to $3,500!! That should pay for a car and the associated fees! I just trusting in the Universe that this is all going to come together. I can't survive here without a working vehicle. There is no other transportation options besides taxi and I'm 25 miles from town. This has to work!! I'm trying to do my part and trying to stay positive through this experience.
So, I'm going to do one last campaign and this fundraiser will be considered closed at the end of this Sunday the 16th. Thanks to everyone for their support!! We're doing great!!
God Bless!!
Dear Friends, I can’t believe I’m having to do this, but here goes.
I’m in a jam. Two years ago I was sold a vehicle at a used car lot in Chico. Knowing they were retiring soon, they stiffed me. I’ve spent a small fortune on this car. In the beginning it was to get her in condition to go off the pavement. Then this year, I had to get her smogged. Getting it smog cleared, cost me three catalytic converters and two engine knock sensors. The California State was gracious enough to kick in part of the cost and I did finally pass getting her smogged, but it literally put me into bankruptcy. Now she’s leaking power-steering fluid. It started out as a dribble and now it gushes. I took it in to the shop 8/22/2023 and it was determined that among other things her power steering pump needed to be replaced. Bottom line for all repairs, $1,900. She's not reliable enough to be worth putting any more money into.
That leaves me with a vehicle ready to leave me stranded anytime, anywhere. I live in the foothills and do markets in the neighboring communities. I have to have a vehicle to survive up here as there is no city bus service where I live. Plus I need to haul all my marketing wares to stay in business.
My problem is that I’m strapped and up against the wall. I live from month to month on Social Security, with a little boost from my marketing, and I seriously have filed for bankruptcy this year. And I still need to come up with $800 before February 2024 to get the bankruptcy into the courts and resolved. I’ve paid $1K into that venture already!! This is all killing me!
I have no other choice but to turn to my friends, so I have set-up a Go Fund Me account to help me figure a way out of this situation, simply because I just don’t have the means to do it myself. This is so humiliating, but right now I see no other solution. Used cars are almost as expensive as new these days.
Whether you can help or not, God bless and keep you well. And thank you for being my friend!!
Sean Plummer
Oroville, CA