Pull for Pride DC
Pull for Pride is back at Balance Gym in DC!
Pull for Pride is a series of deadlift-only fundraisers created in response to the lack of spaces for LGBTQIA2+ people to safely engage in sport and fitness. Rooted in a celebration of TGNC participation, Pull for Pride has always drawn a sharp contrast with the norm in strength sport competitions, which commonly discriminate against TGNC athletes.
All Pull for Pride events benefit an LGBTQIA2+ organization local to the city's town in which it's being hosted. This model has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars since it began.
Pull For Pride is a program of Strength For All, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Who is DC's Pull For Pride benefiting?
HIPS: HIPS promotes the health, rights, and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by sexual exchange and/or drug use due to choice, coercion, or circumstance. HIPS provides compassionate harm reduction services, advocacy, and community engagement that is respectful, non-judgmental, and affirms and honors individual power and agency.
The DC Center for the LGBT Community: The DC Center educates, empowers, celebrates, and connects the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.
SMYAL (Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders): SMYAL supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth in the Washington, DC, metropolitan region. Through youth leadership, SMYAL creates opportunities for LGBTQ youth to build self-confidence, develop critical life skills, and engage their peers and community through service and advocacy. Committed to social change, SMYAL builds, sustains, and advocates for programs, policies, and services that LGBTQ youth need as they grow into adulthood.
When: JUNE 11, 2022 | 9:00AM
For more information about this event, please visit PullforPride.com/DC !