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Sequoia Standing

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Please help us save this tree!
We are raising funds to legally challenge the City of Portland’s decision to remove the majestic giant sequoia in our yard. The funds will be used to pay for legal fees and other expenses to preserve this tree. If we save this tree now, it could stand for countless generations to come. Your support shows the city that this tree matters to you and should be left standing.  

Here’s the issue: 
The city is mandating the removal of a 100+ foot, 100+ year old, ~100,000 pound, 9' diameter, healthy giant sequoia on our property in NE Portland (near 12th and Mason). It is likely one of the largest trees in all of Portland! The neighboring house is too close to the tree and on-going issues have not been addressed. There is shared ownership of the tree between the two properties. The neighboring house has been tagged uninhabitable for 3 years and is now on temporary shoring. The neighboring house could be moved, sold or deconstructed.  The city served us a tree code violation without ever speaking to us about this issue.  We’ve spent the last decade trying to collaborate with our neighbor on ways to keep to the tree and fix his house. Removing this tree will not fix this house.

Our steps: 
Request administrative review of this decision, which we can follow with an appeal, if necessary, and more steps after that. Continue to work toward resolutions with the city and the neighbor to solve his ongoing issues without involving the tree. 

Why does it matter?
The power of wild spaces in urban places. 
The importance of grandmother trees in the urban canopy.
The power of humans to get together and find creative solutions to disagreements. 

There are many benefits of trees that the sequoia can only provide standing! Provide oxygen and reduce pollution, prevent erosion, filter stormwater and reduce stormwater runoff, provide shade, a visual screen and buffering from wind, storms and noise, sustain habitat for birds and other wildlife, maintain property values, contribute to the beauty, character and natural heritage of Portland, and preserve the urban canopy. Keep Portland Green!

Here’s what you can do about it: 
It’s time to demand that the city listen, think creatively and solve this problem another way. 

Contact Urban Forestry at the City of Portland to tell them you want the tree to stay!
Reference Case # 19-205171-000-00-UF
Phone: 503-823-TREE (8733)  
Contribute to GoFundMe: Sequoia Standing 
Follow and share on social media : IG @sequoiastanding
Sign this petition here: No need to "chip in" at  If you would like to donate, please use the donate now button on the GoFundMe.

Thank you! 
Sequoias can grow to be thousands of years old. Their lifespan in an urban environment is untested. They are disease and pest-resistant and super sturdy. The City says to take it out and replace it with a 5’ tall tree. We know there are better solutions. 

With gratitude to our community and our planet. 

Save the Giant Sequoia! IG @sequoiastanding


  • michele anderson
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Margaret Smith
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Tanya Iannaccone
    • $5 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $11 
    • 3 yrs

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Shayan Rohani
Portland, OR
Claire Bollinger

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