Provide a life after laying for caged hens
Hi there,
We have attached a video to this page which attempts to condense what Homes4Hens does in to an easy to watch 3 minutes! It's not compre'hen'sive but it gives you an overview of our life saving work!
Since the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic our financial support has slowly been dwindling. Homes4Hens Rescue is now on the brink of financial hardship.
Our immediate concerns are:
- The rescue van is in need of repairs, tyres and maintenance. Estimated cost £500-600.
- Book keeping/accountancy bill of approximately £600.
- Vet bills, outstanding amount of £150.
- Woodchip needed to cover hen run area, approximately £120.
So our total target adds up to £1470 which for the sake of tidiness has been rounded off to £1500. It would be absolutely wonderful to reach this target so that Homes4Hens can continue to provide rescue, rehoming and sanctuary to hens that truly need it. Hens that nobody else will be there to save if we are not.
Your kindness will save us.
Please donate if you can. If you can't, please help us by sharing our appeal with your friends and family on social media.