Proud of Who I Am Documentary
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Imagine living your life not knowing who you truly are. One day- years later- you find out you’re not who anyone thought you were. Suzan was raised in a home where she was abused sexually, physically, mentally/psychologically, emotionally by her adoptive parents, siblings and some extended adoptive family members.
As Suzan was adopted into a narcissistic and sociopathic home, no one noticed the signs of abuse that were happening, because Suzan was always told that she was 'over-reacting, or 'being too sensetive', or even worse, lying about what was happening to her. Due to the constant conditioning of being shamed for the abuse, and constantly having to hide what was happening to her, Suzan supressed the abuse for 30+ years, well into her adulthood.
From being the only ethnic person in a racially byast all white home and town, to isolation and hidden abuse, to constantly being lied to about her own identity and where she came from.... Suzan is still standing and proud of who she is. People tend to turn a blind eye to how these innocent children are being preyed upon, victimized and re-victimized/traumatized for their lifespans. Being a victim of this type of abuse leaves these now adult victims of child abuse with feeling of being used, manipulated, isolated and alone. It also exposes people that were abused to further abuse, and abusive relationships because they were conditioned to think that it is 'normal' behavior.
Our goal is to educate everyone we can about the signs and problems about narcissistic and sociopath abusive parents. To understand what narcissistic and sociopathic parents can/will do to kids who live in
that type of environment with hidden abuse and isolation. We will be showcasing interviews from licensed professionals in law enforcement, the adoption industry, the social system, and more.
We started this project because we knew Suzan could not be the only one. We know there are others who have experienced the same suffering, and pain in silence and isolation, may not realize what is happening to them, living in survival mode, possibly living in denial, or live in this environment as we speak. We want their voices to be heard; their stories to be heard so we can prevent this situation from happening and help someone stuck in this type of situation know how to get out of it, learn that it is OKAY to speak up about it, and to not be afraid of what happened to you, because it isn't your fault, it was never your fault.
Like Suzan, we want to bring awareness to narcissistic abuse in adoption- bring awareness to how damaging psychological, emotional, mental abuse is, and bring the information about this front and center so others can overcome these experiences like Suzan has.
For more information- visit:

As Suzan was adopted into a narcissistic and sociopathic home, no one noticed the signs of abuse that were happening, because Suzan was always told that she was 'over-reacting, or 'being too sensetive', or even worse, lying about what was happening to her. Due to the constant conditioning of being shamed for the abuse, and constantly having to hide what was happening to her, Suzan supressed the abuse for 30+ years, well into her adulthood.
From being the only ethnic person in a racially byast all white home and town, to isolation and hidden abuse, to constantly being lied to about her own identity and where she came from.... Suzan is still standing and proud of who she is. People tend to turn a blind eye to how these innocent children are being preyed upon, victimized and re-victimized/traumatized for their lifespans. Being a victim of this type of abuse leaves these now adult victims of child abuse with feeling of being used, manipulated, isolated and alone. It also exposes people that were abused to further abuse, and abusive relationships because they were conditioned to think that it is 'normal' behavior.
Our goal is to educate everyone we can about the signs and problems about narcissistic and sociopath abusive parents. To understand what narcissistic and sociopathic parents can/will do to kids who live in
that type of environment with hidden abuse and isolation. We will be showcasing interviews from licensed professionals in law enforcement, the adoption industry, the social system, and more.
We started this project because we knew Suzan could not be the only one. We know there are others who have experienced the same suffering, and pain in silence and isolation, may not realize what is happening to them, living in survival mode, possibly living in denial, or live in this environment as we speak. We want their voices to be heard; their stories to be heard so we can prevent this situation from happening and help someone stuck in this type of situation know how to get out of it, learn that it is OKAY to speak up about it, and to not be afraid of what happened to you, because it isn't your fault, it was never your fault.
Like Suzan, we want to bring awareness to narcissistic abuse in adoption- bring awareness to how damaging psychological, emotional, mental abuse is, and bring the information about this front and center so others can overcome these experiences like Suzan has.
For more information- visit:

Suzan Pleva
Detroit, MI