Promise the Poodle - Service Dog for Madison!
Tax deductible
Since age 8, Madison has struggled with severe anxiety and depression. For Maddie, normal things like going to school, social gatherings, and even going out in public are out of the question. And, since 10, Madison has a history of self-harm.
Now at 15, Madison has a chance at a normal life.
Promise, the service dog, is trained to support Madison with her anxiety and depression. Promise will help Maddie go out in public, finally go back to in-person school (and make college a reality, instead of a dream) and Promise is trained to help Madison eliminate self-harm.
We need your help to make a normal life possible for Maddie. Please join us on Team Madison and help us raise $15,000 so Madison can keep Promise and her shot a normal teenage life.
Promise is 1 years old, and has been specially trained by Dogs on Duty, a local service animal training facility. Since birth Promise has been trained and prepared to help someone with anxiety and depression, just like Maddie.
Madison and Promise will do training together for a full year. Promise is 100% trained and is already on-duty with Madison. Help us keep Promise on duty!
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Dogs on Duty, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
Kent Herbst
Lake Saint Louis, MO
Dogs on Duty