Please help get The Florida Pilot off the ground!
My name is Al Clark and I am 57. I live in St. Pete Beach with my wife Renee who is 50. Back in March, 2020 Renee and I were gainfully self-employed providing concierge services to tourists on the beach. When COVID-19 hit we were immediately financially disabled. As many, we didn't have a large savings to fall back on. We quickly ran out of money, and ran out of friends and family to seek assistance from. We were all running out of money and, with the locked-down state of affairs we didn't have the ability, or resources, to go out and seek gainful employment. We truly went through a couple of months of desperation. Unfortunately, the stimulus checks didn't get us very far, but Renee (who I asked to marry me on our first date) and I aren't quitters. We overcame, adapted, and came up with a game plan.
Renee applied to, and got accepted too, Keiser University to take up a course of studies in Medical Billing and Coding. Renee is targeted to get her degree. She was able to do this through grants, loans, and other assistance in addition to special tuition breaks because she continues to maintain a 4.0 GPA.
I took a different course. I started my own company, Blue Lion Solutions LLC. My company offers a myriad of web services and is an accredited business with the BBB. Blue Lion has yet to see a profit, but the company is growing over time and I feel the outlook is promising.
Blue Lion branched out into quite a few business ideas that, as of yet, haven't caught on to the point where they would be considered "viable". Renee has been more supportive of me than I could have ever hoped and I love her with more than my heart. I really feel that these business ideas were honest, good, ideas, but I wouldn't characterize them as me "finding my dream". Until now.
I didn't really realize that I had such a propensity for writing until I started helping Renee with her college papers. The writing came really naturally and it just started to flow. The next thing I knew I was publishing syndicated articles, articles where I supplied the photography, illustrations, and body. I had one of those “ta-daaa!!” moments. After 57 years on this planet I’ve finally figured out what my God-given purpose was: To tell the TRUE story of the people. My foundation is honesty and the strength to NOT have an agenda. This will NEVER be about politics. There are a gazillion people out there wasting a gazillion hours beating their hearts against an unmovable political wall. I have purposefully, and definitively, opted out. Period, end of that discussion.
There are information providers out there, filters, that pluck minuscule amounts of information from this unimaginable ocean of data and present it in an objective, enjoyable, and understandable venue. These providers used to be known as the “news media”. And then the (objective) “news media” evolved to become so agenda riddled that one could even go so far as to say it had cancer. A cancer that, now, permeates to every man, woman, and child in this country. In the world.
My venture is more of a promise. I have created a news agency, The Florida Pilot (TFP), And my promise to you, world, is to be honest to a fault, and that my course NEVER be guided by ANYTHING other than the need to know. There is a lot to tell and I wish I were younger so I had more time to tell it.
The Florida Pilot will focus on Florida and Florida Aviation News. At this point, this will be the primary focus. I’ve lived in Florida for more than twenty years and I’ve come to learn a lot about this diverse, complex state. There are more stories waiting to be told here than, arguably, any other state. That being said, I will bow and give California and Texas their due.
I’ve created this Go Fund Me page because I need help. I need help making sure Renee can continue with her Dean’s List level of collegiate effort (she’s maintained a 4.0 GPA since she started). I need help getting The Florida Pilot off the ground. Florida is a big, sprawling state with a lot of stories to be told. The Florida Pilot stories will not come from information obtained from doing Google searches. If there is a story, I will drive there, sit down with the principles, and gather information you can’t get from a Google search. But this takes money, money I just don’t have coming in yet. There are transportation costs, trip costs, equipment costs, and living costs. When The Florida Pilot goes into the green, I will donate 15% of any profits to the Salvation Army. Immediately.
If you visit The Florida Pilot you can see that I’ve got a pretty good start on this. I hope you can get a feel for the direction we are headed. But this is just the beginning. If you find it within your heart to help fund the nation’s newest, and most honest, news source, you will become a permanent charter member of The Florida Pilot. A permanent list will be created for anybody who contributes that will become a keystone part of our newspaper. Of course, you can opt out of this and remain anonymous.
This is a sincere plea for help. Please help Renee and I get this off the ground. It would truly be for a great cause. God knows we need an honest news source.