Pls help raise money for Palestinians
Pls help raise money for Palestinians
Hi, my name is Hakimah and my brother Eshaan and I are raising money for the suffering Palestinians, who have broken many hearts by their lack of basic necessities. I hope to persuade you to donate to this cause as I am passionate to save at least one of their lives, in the Quran it says “And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" (5:32). My brother is very young but is as determined as me to be a saviour for the innocent citizens. Most people don’t know the full story as the social media has been cut in gaza and many claim Hamas are at fault. I will not comment about this as this is a very complicated topic and others have different views, but we all know Palestinians should not be punished for Hamas and Isreal’s war. I hope you have a different mind set about this dreadful situation, and In Sha Allah the Palestinians will have relief. Please give generously no amount is too little. May Allah reward you for your generosity in this holy month of Ramadan.
Hakimah Miah
The United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF