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Please support Organización Latina Trans en Texas

Steuerlich absetzbar
I've been making generative artwork in R for the last few years and want to do something good with the work. One way I do this is by raising funds for charities. In light of recent events in Texas, I'm hoping I can convince folks in the data science community to donate money to Organización Latina Trans en Texas.
OLTT is a community-based organization of trans women and is active across Texas. The services they provide include:
  • Providing temporary housing--a bed and hot food in an emergency
  • Organizing empowerment and leadership groups for survivors of sexual assault and human trafficking; for trans women; for trans men; for all LGBTQI+ people; and Living Positive for people with HIV diagnoses, with food served at all meetings
  • Providing referrals to legal services for immigration
  • Supporting and assisting those in detention centers or facing deportation
  • Assisting with name changes and changing gender markers
  • Connecting with providers for mental health care, hormonal treatment, primary care medical services, and treatment for HIV
  • Offering support and resources for people with experience with sex work, providing assistance with gender expression, including body contouring accessories, gender-affirming clothing, and cosmetics classes
I'll be releasing generative art into the public domain under a CC0 license for this fundraiser and hoping that you'll consider participating. More donations = more public art! It's a win for everyone. As an example of the kind of artwork that will become public domain, if we reach the $1000 target I'll release the "Dreamlike" series under CC0:


  • Lisa DeBruine
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Hannah Frick
    • $30
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $35
    • 3 yrs
  • Damien Riggs
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • James Goldie
    • $30
    • 3 yrs


Danielle Navarro
Dallas, TX
Organizacion Latina Trans in Texas (Crystal Solares)

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