Please help Ukrainian family settle in U.S.
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John Calvin Presbyterian Church's Ukrainian Refugee Support mission is to bring The Prokhodov Family of five from war-torn Kyiv, Ukraine to the safety of St. Louis, MO in the United States of America and to support them as they get settled and become financially stable in their new environment.
The Prokhodovs are a desperate family of five living in Kyiv. Oleg and Victoria, their seven-year-old daughter Marianna, and their five-year-old twins Alissa and Gleb have been enduring missile and drone attacks in their neighborhood and are seeking refuge in St. Louis, Missouri. They live in Hostomel, suburbs of Kyiv, a very dangerous area. They often have to hide in the basement in the middle of the night. Sometimes they have to sleep there for a few nights in a row or an entire week. Recent heavy rains flooded their basement, causing them all to become ill after hiding there. They need to leave Ukraine as soon as possible.
John Calvin Presbyterian Church in Bridgeton, Missouri, is raising funds to support their housing expenses. We hope to raise at least $24,000.
Please help by donating. We appreciate any help you can give.
John Calvin Presbyterian Church