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Please help me be independant.

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On the 1st of January this year I was taken into hospital as I lost the use/feeling of my legs and wasn’t able to empty my bladder or bowels. I called NHS 111 for some advice and they sent an ambulance. I was admitted to the ward, with suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome, on complete bed rest, having to lay completely flat, to have an MRI scan the next day. 

By lunch time, 2nd January I was taken for my MRI and within half hour of the scan I was being rushed to theatre for emergency spinal surgery. Everything happened so quick. I was put in a gown, had a cannula put in, and endured several tests (such as, ECG, blood test etc) all while having to listen to the surgeon telling me about the possible risks and complications related to the operation I was about to have. 

I was told the operation was “to prevent further damage and most likely will never fix your legs and this is for life.” This is because the Doctors and hospitals had not been listening and not investigating. 

A disk had ruptured in my spin compressing my spinal cord. Causing damage to my nerves leading to loss of feeling and use of my legs, bladder and bowel.
I was diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome. A rare condition that has left me paralysed from the waist down. 

From 1st January to 1st February, I was stuck in the hospital trying to recover. 
I had been referred to neurological rehabilitation but my referral was denied based on the fact that there was nothing more they can do for me. 

I was discharged where I was told that the paramedics could get me into my home, but that I would have to wait for my wheelchair and ramps to be put in for easy access to my home. I was housebound from 1st February till mid August when i finally got a wheelchair. However due to the wheelchair being a full time wheelchair it is quite bulky and doesn't come apart so i am limited on how i can use it as i do not have an adapted car as i dont drive. Im hoping to raise some money to help me go on days out with my friends and live my life to the fullest. Unfortunately medical equipment doesn't come cheap. 

I am doing my best to save as much as I can, have been having a major declutter and selling a lot of things i no longer need to also try to raise funds. Im also making handmade cards and jewellery to sell with all funds going toward my chair. I feel embarrassed asking for your help, I just know that with some support, I may be able to reach my goal quicker, and be able to spend time with everyone sooner, rather than missing more months of my life go by. 

I suffer with Bipolar and Anxiety, and my mental health has deteriorated so much during these past few months. I am having to adapt to live with carers twice a day and the inability to use my legs. Missing time with family and friends.
My friends and family occasionally visit me but it’s quite a distance for them to travel, so I am missing the social interaction and feeling more and more isolated, watching the clock, and everyone being able to get on with their lives. 

All I ask is that you could please donate to my cause, and help me out. Any small amount will still help massively. And if you’re unable to donate, please may I ask you to share the page so my story gets noticed and also to raise awareness of the devastating consequences of Cauda Equina Syndrome. 

I have gone from being able to walk, to not being able to feel and use my legs. And the scary thing is, it could happen to anyone and happens so quickly. We need to raise awareness of what Cauda Equina is and the red flag symptoms that need emergency treatment. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, and I am incredibly grateful and thank you in advance for all the help and support from you all.

Becky x

This article was posted online. It is important to spread awareness for people to access treatment quickly and prevent severe lasting damage.



Becky Racey

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