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Please help make memories

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Please take a moment to read and share as far and wide as possible.
My BestFriend was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December 2016 she had since undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy, she was so poorly throughout it. Although that has shrunk the tumour the latest scans has revealed it has now spread to other parts of the body and she has not been given a positive outcome for the timescale of how long she has left. She's only 29 and doesn't deserve this and with so much worry for her I'd like to help make memories and make what time she has left happy times.
She has 4 young beautiful children the youngest being just 3 and sad to think they will all grow up with out there mummy.
So I would like to help make her and the children have happy times and make memories that the children can treasure forever and help raise money to send them places they can have fun and enjoy. I'm hoping to raise enough so they can enjoy Legoland, Altontowers, holiday park, and other places. Would also like a professional photo shoot for them so they will have photos they can look at everyday.
im hoping this can be done before she gets to poorly to do anything.
Please help even if it's just by sharing this post.
Thank you


  • Amanda Miller Pyott
    • 20 £ 
    • 6 ans

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Amanda Scott
Natasha Sale

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