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Blessings Everybody!
This message is written on behalf of Annette Heathington Durr. As many are aware, her mom took her Wings and has gone on to Glory.
Annette has been the Sole Caretaker of her mom. She has resided at her mom's residence while providing the best care possible.
At this point in time, Annette is in need of immediate emergency financial assistance to assist with moving into a new location. Annette has been faced with an immediate request to vacate her current residence in which she shared with her mom due to her not being the primary leaseholder.
Please Help and Assist Annette with this current delima as it has become an overwhelming burden upon her to move at such short notice and limited funds.
Annette is grateful and extremely appreciative of any financial help & or assistance you are able to provide. She is trusting God through this process. Prayerfully God will Lay it on Your Heart to Help and Assist with this Great Need during this trying time! Thanks in advance and God Bless You and Yours.

Quetta Brown
Douglasville, GA