Pipo Ramon Rivera
A husband, father, grandfather, a son, a brother, a friend. This man is special and irreplaceable. He was present and ready for anyone that needed him. There aren’t enough words to combine to express what he meant to so many. If you were lucky enough to know him you know the imprint he left in your life. He is and will always be a great man in our hearts. His passion for baseball was something to admire, he couldn’t be without it. And it is with immense pain that we have to lay him to rest. We’re all in disbelief that God has called him home to paradise. If you would like to contribute in laying him to rest, we thank you so much for your love and support.
Un esposo, padre, abuelo, un hijo, un hermano, un amigo. Este hombre es especial y irremplazable. Estaba presente y listo para cualquiera que lo necesitaba. No hay suficientes palabras para combinar para expresa lo que significaba para tantos. Si tuviste la suerte de conocerlo sabes la huella que dejó en tu vida. El es y siempre será un gran hombre en nuestro corazón. Su pasión por el béisbol era algo que admirar, no podía estar sin el. Y es con un gran dolor que tenemos que dejarlo descansar. Todos estamos sorprendidos y afectados que Dios le ha llamado hogar al paraíso. Si desea contribuir a el descanse, le agradecemos mucho su amor y apoyo.
La familia