Donation protected
Restaurants and bars are the center of our phenomenal Pine Island and Matlacha lifestyle. We all have our favorite bartenders, servers, barbacks, front-of-the-house and other support staff: they make our mornings, afternoons, and nights on the island carefree and plain 'ole fun! Now is the time we help them. The COVID-19 crisis has hit hard in Lee County. Believe me, I know first hand: I'm Doug Brust and I'm an infectious diseases doc for Lee Health and McGregor Clinic. My partner Lou and I have lived in Matlacha for 14 years and have spent many a night enjoying the wonderful restaurants and bars on the islands. Please donate generously!! I never thought I'd say this, but "Like" us on Facebook @ PineIslandMatlachaStrong and follow us on Twitter @ #PineIslandMatlachaStrong. LET YOUR COLLEAGUES KNOW ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN TO HELP THEM!! Please be safe, wash your hands frequently, practice minimum 6 ft social distancing, and stay home if you can! And please ORDER FOOD AND DRINKS FROM OUR RESTAURANTS OFFERING CURBSIDE SERVICES! With love- Doug Brust & Lou Ford [email redacted] PLEASE READ--GoFundMe requires the following language: 1) This fund was set-up 3/23/20 specifically to support all of the restaurant and bar service workers on Pine Island and Matlacha. 2) To sign-up for a distribution from the fund, just Email me at [email redacted] with your name, contact info (cell, preferred E-mail, and snail-mail addy [i.e. home address to send check), what you do, where you work AND A PIC OF A RECENT PAY STUB (with your name and restaurant's/bar's name on it) . If you can't find a pay stub, send of a pic of your driver's license . You can block out your social security number or driver's license number.--I need this to help prevent fraud. Prefer you E-mail pic, but if you can't, E-mail me and I'll give you my cell to text it. 3) Make sure we acknowledge your request with a return E-mail. If not, E-mail us again. There may be a bit of delay because we're extremely busy with the COVID-19 pandemic. 4) We will confirm your employment with the establishment's owner/manager. 5) Disbursements will occur approximately every week until fund is depleted. The first distribution checks were sent out from Matlacha on Thursday, 4/9/2020, second Thursday 4/16/2020, third Saturday 4/18, fourth Thursday 4/23, fifth Tuesday 4/28, and sixth mailed Cape Coral Post Office Late Saturday, 5/2. 6) Payments will be made chronologically as requests were submitted: be a good neighbor and help your fellow workers who are, let's say, a bit older (like me!) and social media "challenged", let them know about the fund and E-mail a request for them! 7) Individuals can only receive one disbursement over the life of the campaign. 8) After confirmation of your employment at a Pine Island/Matlacha establishment, a check for $200 will be sent directly from my personal Navy Federal Credit Union account to your "snail-mail" (i.e. home) address. 9) If more people contact me than funds available, requests will be filled chronologically until campaign contributions are depleted; if more contributions come in, then those on the "wait-list" will received a check with the subsequent week's distribution. 10) I am not a lawyer!! I hope I've made this process as equitable and transparent as possible.
Pineislandmatlacha Strong
Cape Coral, FL