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Phone credit for Yarlswood cross channel refugees

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For weeks now Yarlswood has been like a ‘black site’ with NGO’s and lawyers having no contact with the cross channel refugees now being held there.

yesterday Movement for Justice demonstrated at yarlswood and made contact with a number of those refugees.

some were given phones but with only 1 euro credit for international calls only!

This is part of an ongoing campaign by the home office to deny people access to ‘activist lawyers’ and support organisations so that they can quickly and quietly remove people on charter flights under Dublin III - detainees are generally not even aware that they are liable to be removed back to another EU country - they believe their asylum claim will be held here.

it is critical that they are able to contact support organisations, lawyers and family while in Yarlswood.

we’ve set up this emergency fundraiser to be able to top up the phones of Yarlswood detainees. We are currently in contact with 12 people and they will put us in touch with more - all need phone credit!

all the money raised will go directly to top up people’s phones with minimum £10 top ups (though we would like to raise enough to top up £20)


Karen Doyle

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