Perry and Laurie Allen - Maui Fire Victims UPDATE
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Update on Perry. He is back in Hawaii after attending Laurie's Memorial. He was able to briefly connect with family and friends during his mainland visit.
Now he is seeking the path to rebuild his life. Please continue to pray for all of the victims of Lahaina, but also, for people everywhere who are displaced or suffering from loss.
Perry lost addresses and most phone records, so if you wish to let him know how to contact you, please use his Facebook Page and Message him personally.
May you experience God's Peace - even in the Storms.
The Service was beautiful! Many of Laurie's family members and school friends were there.
Some of Perry's childhood and BSU friends attended also.
Perry is doing well, although the Idaho weather is hard on his Hawaiian climatization.
Thank you for continued prayers and support.
May we be aware of all of our Blessings this Thanksgiving.
A reminder of Laurie's Memorial - Perry will be there!
Vineyard Fellowship
4950 N. Bradley St.
Garden City, Idaho
To view a Memorial Slide Video on YouTube: Laurie Allen Memorial Collection
Thank you for continuing to support Perry on this dark journey.
Please pray for all people displaced due to natural disasters or cruel human actions.
Lord, show us how to Live The Golden Rule.
Perry is going to want to send his Thanks to you personally. Since everything him and Laurie had was destroyed, he has to collect contact information again. Please message me via GoFundMe with your contact information. Penny
Perry will be attending Laurie's memorial. Please keep him in your prayers as he travels to this emotional event.
Vineyard Fellowship
4950 N. Bradley St.
Garden City, Idaho
To view a Memorial Slide Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-WKanhVO6MLaurie Allen Memorial Video
In Lieu of Flowers, please consider Go Fund Me to assist Perry
Perry wanted to share a brief overview of Laurie's Life.
October 12, 2023
Perry has chosen this beautiful inscription for Laurie’s urn.
“I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7
This passage is reflective of her “dash” September 6, 1958 --- Sept 29, 2023
October 10
Update on Perry. He was contacted by a pastor on Oahu who makes beautiful urns out of sacred Hawaiian Koa Wood. This will be a gift of Honor for Laurie. Perry continues with Disaster coordination through Relief agencies. He asks that you pray that he can finally complete this paperwork that has taken two months! Then he will be able to face other decisions for his future.
He is so thankful for the support and care shown to them since August 8.
God bless us all!
October 6
It seems Laurie’s Story has caught the eye of many news outlets. Here is one of the articles.
Perry is slogging through the paperwork and decisions he must make. He wants you to know that memorials for Laurie are pending for when he can make the most of seeing friends and family.
Blessings to you for Caring.
October 3
Thank you for continuing to follow this narrative of Laurie and Perry Allen. Major news publications are requesting interviews to capture Laurie’s Story. Perry is torn between the need to complete disaster forms and his self-care, or to grant emotional interviews that will pay additional tribute to his brave wife.
Laurie is out of her pain. Perry is deep in the agony of grief. If you have ever lost a spouse, you know that there are immediate and disturbing decisions that must be made. Please pray for Perry as he seeks answers for his future.
I have received many requests to know about Memorial Services for Laurie. I promise to let you know as soon as Perry lays down those plans. I want to thank the Brixeys who provided this photo. They were visiting Laurie and Perry and took this photo just days before the Lahaina fire.
I realize the world has moved on to other disasters that devastate lives. Whenever I stop to imagine what it would be like to lose Everything, my heart breaks over again. Your support is beyond a simple “Thank You”.
May we see God’s Mercy in the Storms.
September 30
53 Days in Hell. That is what Laurie and Perry Allen suffered! Yesterday at 3:20 pm Oahu Time, Laurie was released from her pain – almost the exact same time of day the fire attacked on August 8! She was surrounded by Perry, Laurie’s brother Kelly and his wife Loretta, brother Dave, and her sister, Janel, who has been such a help to Perry. Laurie slipped away peacefully. Her heart was tired, and she was ready.
Perry wanted me to share this photo of Laurie because it shows her healthy, strong body and that smile he loves so much. This ordeal touched numerous lives. For me, it was realizing how many shared concerns for Laurie - people from her childhood, her family, work colleagues, church friends, and clients at the PT Clinic she worked at. This is a reminder that we never know how much our smile or even a simple greeting can leave an impression on others.
I am gathering a few details of Laurie’s past and her life with Perry so I can share those with you. Perry is leaning on his Faith as he has some immediate decisions to make. Our brother Robbie is also there for support. Thank you for your continued giving that will provide Perry with a base to build from. We are sad that he won't have his Laurie beside him.
Perry completed an interview with the New York Times this morning. We would like this article to be shared as a tribute to Laurie.
September 29
Perry asked me to post the last photo taken of them together. Laurie’s brothers and sister, and Perry’s brother arrive this afternoon to be with him when the machines are turned off.
Lord, may they know your Presence and Peace as her spirit enters your Loving Arms. Amen.
September 28
“I don’t know His Will, but my God is big enough to do anything. There is blessing and miracles somewhere in this mess.” Quote from Perry’s nephew, CC.
“If it’s not good, God’s Not done.” Romans 8:28 From Perry’s niece, Britney.
What God sees as Good doesn't seem good in our limited vision, when it means losing a cherished loved one. Haven’t we already been given a miracle that Laurie fought so bravely for almost 2 months when others younger and much less injured than her were lost much sooner? Isn’t the Love Perry has shown by being with her every possible hour a Miracle? It was a Miracle that a Fireman and Policeman saw a woman running at them through smoke and fire as they were preparing to leave the area! Wasn’t it a Miracle that Perry even found his Jane Doe in all the chaos? Haven’t we seen many Miraculous Acts of Kindness – many from total strangers – since tragic August 8?
It is with a sad heart that I have to post that the battle to repair and rebuild Laurie’s earthly body will soon be over. The only major organ that is still strong is her heart. Her love for Perry kept her fighting through indescribable pain and merciless complications. It wasn’t until the experts told him they could do nothing else for her that he knew Laurie needs to go to another Paradise- one that won’t ever burn down!
I plan to post frequently about Perry and his Journey to continue without Laurie. Please pray him through the hard decisions and even more changes that he will be facing. Laurie’s release from her earthly suffering will put Perry into the Shadow of Death for a long time. Your donations will help Perry rebuild his life from literally nothing!
Thank you for following Laurie’s Story. The courage and strength she had in the fire, and during 67 days at the Oahu Burn Center have inspired thousands of us. No, God is Not Done! Laurie Allen’s Story is not Over!
September 25
After 6 days of keeping Laurie’s dressings on, the doctor will remove all dressings to examine if the infections are improving and if the skin sprayed on from harvesting her own skin is finally being accepted by her body. She also had an experimental protective barrier placed on her legs. We pray that has allowed for some healthy cells to develop.
There are many factors and complications her ICU Team must address. One example is her body becomes tolerant of pain killers, which means they either pump in more, give her something stronger, or try as much as possible to keep her pain levels down. If you have ever had a burn, multiply that exponentially to imagine what Laurie feels when she comes to consciousness!
We are all very proud of the courage and strength Laurie has shown in the last 6 weeks. You can imagine the toll this has taken on Perry too as he faces each new challenge by her side. He is still not ready to receive calls or texts, but I forward all of your notes on to him as proof they are loved and not forgotten.
Today I reposted a photo of the foundation of their home as a reminder that the devastation from any disaster lingers far beyond being Front Page News.
Laurie is one of God’s Children. We trust she can feel His Presence over the Pain.
September 21
The surgeon used some of Laurie's own skin to graft onto her arms, and a new procedure to apply a protectant onto her legs. She will be in deep sedation for 3 or 4 more days. Then the surgeon will see how the grafts and infections are doing. Laurie’s condition is very serious. Even the surgeon told Perry, ”This is the time to pray.”
God has sent some Boise friends to Oahu to see Perry. Even if it’s a brief visit, he will get some good hugs at this critical time of waiting.
I believe Jesus is peaking with Laurie’s spirit in her unconscious state. Her surgeon has said repeatedly that her fighting and her strong heart are the only reasons she is still alive. We don’t know how this will end, but we know that she is in His Hands of Love.
Thank you for caring.
Penny for Laurie and Perry
Update on Laurie Allen: Laurie had been at a low point in responding to infection control and medication changes. The surgeon is not able to graft skin due to infections. The report yesterday from Perry is more encouraging. She was breathing on her own for a while and they had backed off the sedatives so he could see her blink and nod in response.
Perry was so frustrated with one of the relief agencies that he spoke with the Director who came to realize how many volunteers had tripped each other up, resulting in him getting no help from them. If the Director is truthful, some relief support should finally arrive. Janel is helping him appeal to FEMA for relief funding. If you know of anyone in that agency who may be able to help him get through the red tape, please let me know.
If you have not been following Laurie and Perry’s Story, you can read details on GoFundMe.
Thank you for your continued concern, prayers and gifts of support. GOD HAS THIS!
September 14
This has not been a good day for Laurie and Perry. She is in surgery for a tracheostomy. The good news is this will bypass her throat so she should be able to talk. The bad news is every incision is another entry for infection. Her infections need to be under control before performing more grafts. Every procedure is life-threatening, so your continued prayers are needed.
Perry is quite discouraged that after a month of filling out forms, relief agencies have yet to come through with any tangible help. Agencies think that all victims are on Maui, so no personnel are being sent to other islands to assist those like them, who were relocated.
Janel, Laurie’s sister, must return home to take care of personal affairs. Pray that God sends someone who Perry is comfortable with who can assist him.
I wish I had something positive to share today. My only thought is that the more impossible something looks, the more God can show His Glory.
As an image of better times, I am sharing another one of my favorite works by Perry.
September 13
This is a photo of the remains of Laurie’s car that burned after she ran from it. It shows her CRV was moved to clear the road that was blocked by downed trees and other cars as the fire engulfed her.
The burn specialist removes her dressings as often as is safe because the procedure adds more trauma to Laurie’s body. He is aggressively fighting infections that prevent successful skin grafts in some areas. Perry reports, “She is still on ventilator and dialysis. She is very sedated, and they are keeping her as comfortable as they can.”
For Perry, we ask that you pray that disaster relief and disability applications clear smoothly for Laurie’s long-term care. He has worked diligently on forms that usually lead to more frustrating steps.
I will never again dismiss the suffering of victims of disasters! Their lives change in seconds, and the journey continues long after the event is out of the public’s thoughts. Penny
Lord, help those who, like Laurie are fighting for survival. Amen
If you have not been following Laurie and Perry’s Story, you can read details here on GoFundMe.
Thank you for continued concern, prayers and gifts of support. GOD HAS THIS!
Today I’ve posted one of my favorite works by Perry that was lost in the fire as we are reminded of another US tragedy on this day 22 years ago.
Please pray for Laurie in surgery today for grafts and infection management. I want to share two more uplifting stories of compassion that have occurred in this darkness.
Perry needed Janel at the hospital the other day to be with her sister so he could take care of a few required projects. Janel had ordered an Uber, but it wasn’t arriving. So she began the long walk. At a stop light, a man asked her if she needed a ride. She quickly explained the situation. He offered to drive her the few miles there.
On the way, he called his wife and said, “Honey, I’ll be a little late getting the other one to school.”
Janel asked what that meant, and he calmly stated that they have two kids whose schools are in opposite directions. He was on the way to get the second child when he saw her. That is truly sacrificial caring!
The other story touched my heart deeply. At their 50th High School Reunion for Kuna, Idaho the other day, the Class of ’73 took up a donation for this couple whose only connection is my late husband - Perry and Laurie’s brother-in-law! They honored their lost classmate’s family after his best childhood friend told their story.
So as you start this week in beautiful September, please see the world a little less threatening with the assurance that human compassion exists regardless of the perceived chaos.
If you have not been following Laurie and Perry’s Story, you can read details below on GoFundMe.
Thank you for continued concern, prayers and gifts of support.
LAURIE is scheduled Monday for another graft and infection control operation. The surgeon is pushing these more frequently because he can tell how much she’s working with him to fight. So far, tissue damage has been less deep than expected. She is still weak and vulnerable to infections, so each positive is followed by a cautious “But…”
PERRY is gradually making progress with agency apps. I’d never have imagined how difficult it would be to try to be with a loved one in ICU while trying to jump through bureaucratic hoops. Perry is tired but determined to line up their future—whatever it may look like.
If you have not been following Laurie and Perry’s Story, you can read details on GoFundMe.
Thank you for continued concern, prayers and gifts of support. GOD HAS THIS!
What do you say to someone when Happy Birthday doesn’t apply to your loved one confined in a bed? Perry found a way to let Laurie know she is loved and her life is cherished.
She again amazed her surgical and med teams with her strength to fight. On the negative she loses tissue and blood during operations to dig out infection and graft more skin. On the positive the graftings from her own harvested skin are showing signs of cell generation. Her nurses shared Perry’s tears when Laurie wiggled her toes on request for the first time in 2 weeks. She is brought to consciousness a few times a day to test her responsiveness. It was during one of those brief moments that Perry and her sister, Janel acknowledged her birthday together.
Perry and Janel continue the grind of red tape. Can you imagine trying to work around antiquated laws that prohibit releasing birth certificate replacements of incapacitated patients? Some wins for them are getting the destroyed car off of insurance and receiving his first mail on Oahu. Another baby step forward was for Perry to meet in person with a Red Cross rep. Pray this finally leads to success with relief support agencies after a month of trying to prove identity and residency.
While on the phone with Perry, twice people who don’t even know them came to the door with acts of kindness. God is using His People as messengers of Mercy!
May you experience His Mercy too.
Perry and Laurie – by Penny
GoFundMe is the way to send funds of support. If you wish to donate another way, please Message me.
Lord, please let her celebrate next year in a much better place. Amen
Update on Laurie and Perry Allen
Please pray hard. Tomorrow, Sept 5, Laurie has another critical surgery to address infected areas and graft more donor skin. The Burn Team told him that of the 9 victims sent to them from the Lahaina Fire, there are only 3 left in the Ward, and Laurie is the worst. She is on dialysis to help her kidneys filter out the chemicals and toxins. Hopefully this is only temporary.
Perry is told, “This is what we do. Trust us.” He told me “Their hands and God's Hands are all we can offer her.”
The staff hug him and cry with him. Her nurses see the person under all of those bandages and give her tender care beyond just the medical.
Pastor Ben Prangnell honored them by being interviewed on KHON2 Honolulu News
Please continue praying and sharing Laurie and Perry's story.
GoFundMe is how to send funds of support. If you wish to donate another way, please Message me.
Perry shared an act of kindness that deeply touched him. A nurse handed him a letter that read “Dear Perry, I am Jessica from Calvary Chapel. My elderly mom is in Room ____. Please let me know if I can be of help. Praying for you both. May the Lord cleanse your wounds.” Inside was a $100 bill! He said, “Here is a person dealing with her own stuff, and she reached out to us!” Perry told me that one of the reasons he can push forward is because of caring people like this.
Lord, continue your Mercy. Amen
Penny, Perry’s sister
September 1
This message and art were sent from a friend:
Perry Allen original of Lahaina Front Street. I found this on his fb page and tears welled up thinking he lost his whole art collection as an artist but he hasn’t lost God’s masterpiece in Laurie. Perry was the owner of The Basement Gallery downtown Boise before living his dream out in Hawaii. We are still praying for Perry Allen and Laurie Allen. Keep fighting Laurie. We love you!
Laurie continues in an induced unconsciousness. Physical Therapy is administered to prevent total atrophy of her leg muscles. Her upper body and arms have been grafted twice, where the burn damage is the worst. She must be kept totally still. Infection management is constantly monitored.
Perry is now in a long-term apartment setting. Friends Ben on Maui and Reece on Oahu arranged to ship his car. He spends his days still trying to prove his address of residency so applications for relief funding can begin. It has been frustrating to discover FEMA only allows one relief application per address. Tenants like Laurie and Perry must jump through extra hoops to gather proof for an appeal.
Please continue the prayers and support. This is a long, dark journey, but God’s Hand is seen daily through the acts of kindness from His People.
August 30, 2023
Laurie is still in ICU under sedated unconsciousness. This keeps her out of pain and allows her to lay still for skin grafts to attach. Tuesday's surgery was to address some infection and to graft some of her own skin on the worst burn areas.
Perry is staying as strong as possible while doing unimaginable tasks like proving his wife's identity since all her papers are gone. Her sister, Janel, is a great help with hospital business and document collection.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Perry says Jesus is guiding many hearts to act with donations, food, and offers to help them get through this nightmare.
August 29, 2023
Prayer Need! Unforeseen complications have prompted another immediate surgery tomorrow for Laurie. We will update when we have post-operation information.
Thank you for prayers.
This article was written by Jeanne Huff, a long-time friend of Perry and Laurie’s in Boise.
August 28
Because Laurie is in an induced state of unconsciousness for a few more days, I wanted to share something about her.
You have probably heard the saying, “You don’t know what’s inside a vessel until it gets bumped.” This refers to what is inside our heart will be revealed when facing a threat. As Laurie was surrounded by flames, no visibility, and the air was getting dangerous, her vessel was being bumped hard!
What did she do? She asked God, “Lord, is this how I die?” She talked to God!!!
God replied, “Not today... RUN!”
There is no doubt that Laurie has a strong relationship with the Lord. We do not know how this will play out, but we know that God is touching hearts as she fights for life.
Laurie and Perry have had so many words of support and kindness that it will take weeks for them to read and respond to them all. One that came through today was $100 from a family who sent this message:
My 8-year-old grandsons read your story and wanted to help so they spent all day today selling lemonade in the neighborhood and raised this donation.
If you wish to reach out to this hurting couple, you can donate to their needs through monetary gifts at GoFundMe
Or provide a meal gift card
May you seek and find the same Creator’s Love that Laurie and Perry lean on. Amen.
August 25, 2023
After a very intense and dangerous surgery to remove and graft skin yesterday, there were complications with her medications. Due to her pain level, the specialists have decided to put her into a deep unconscious state for almost a week. Unfortunately, that puts her back into ICU and total apparatus dependency. During that time PT Specialists will gently work to keep her limbs from total atrophy.
Perry was given sound advice to use part of her sleeping hours to get some self-care and accomplish some paperwork. Who wouldn’t rather be near their loved one instead of filling out forms? If you have the desire, he could use someone to be with him in Honolulu for hugs and listening.
Your prayers are powerful. Laurie and the nurse joined him singing “Jesus Loves Me” the other day. Both of them are stronger because of your support and caring.
August 24
Laurie has a very dangerous and intrusive surgery today. Even the surgeon asked for prayers!
Perry knows how many people care about them. He spends every possible hour with her.
I will share an update when Perry calls.
I keep singing the old song, “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”. That seems like a good thought for all of us to cling to.
August 23, 2023
Laurie is scheduled for another surgery on Thursday. Please pray for her comfort.
Perry spends his days helping with Laurie’s care. Her sister arrived yesterday to support him at the hospital and with the multitude of paperwork that comes after a disaster.
Laurie and Perry and trying to face this with faith and courage one day at a time. Thank you for Caring.
August 21, 2023
Update on Laurie: She can no longer be put completely under for treatments and dressing changes, so she is always in some level of pain – often excruciating. Pray for the medical teams that are overworked and understaffed. This is going to be such a long journey. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers.
Perry is torn between trying to get documentation done and helping with Laurie. The staff is so thin that when he arrives, they let him take over her non-medical care so they can get to other patients. We are proud of him stepping out of his comfort zone to do that.
Perry is in temporary housing, and he is considering a location offer where he can stay for as long as needed! Knowing Laurie may be in treatment a year – or more – this would truly be a gift!
Your prayers, monetary gifts, and expressions of care are all being noted so Laurie and Perry can thank you personally one day.
Lord, we ask for your Mercy for everyone going through dark journeys.
August 19
Laurie must lie still for her surgical grafts to heal. Her pain cannot be totally blocked. So she sleeps or is sedated much of the time, but she interacts during her awake periods. She is on liquid nutrients. It is a blessing that she can speak and swallow.
Perry is facing a daunting amount of paperwork, including accessing records of accounts that only Laurie handled. He is in temporary housing but would like to find something much closer to Straub Hospital in Honolulu. Please message me if you have any leads for a possible residence for at least 6 months. We would arrange compensation.
I will be keeping this post alive as long as necessary. We realize there will always be a crisis somewhere. We only ask that you keep them in your prayers and share their story with others who may wish to demonstrate they care with a donation for their expenses now, and we hope, to plant a seed for their future.
Wednesday, August 16
Thank you for joining us on this dark journey. We have all been seeing similar photos as this one of Laurie and Perry's devastated neighborhood. We pray for those whose loved ones are still unaccounted for on beautiful Maui.
One of Laurie’s surgeons spoke at length with Perry about her condition. The first steps will be to help her tissues regenerate. She will be enduring multiple reconstructive operations over many months. Her first surgery went as well as expected. She continues to amaze with her strength. The medical staff finally devised a pain management concoction that allows Laurie some relief when awake so she can interact.
Perry has been offered temporary accommodation, which is one less thing to worry about. He wants you to know that later he plans to personally thank everyone who is stepping up with acts of kindness.
Two days ago Laurie had to prove to the Burn Team that she could breathe on her own before they would remove the breathing tube. You can imagine how sore her throat was from inhaling fire and being intubated. Laurie shared as much of what happened as she could remember.
Laurie’s Story: She and some neighbors were outside watching the fire when the wind shifted and the flames came quickly toward them. She ran to gather emergency needs, and came out to see a couple of neighbors in a state of shock. Neither of them were taking actions for evacuation. It became as black as night from smoke, with cinders flying around them. We estimate at least 15 minutes were lost trying to get them to leave. She tried to get them into her car, but they both insisted on driving themselves. They wound through the neighborhood where all traffic was being diverted into town - not away from the fire! She could only see taillights. The first driver stopped his vehicle and jumped into the next car. Then they both ran to Laurie's car and got in. He said a tree was blocking the road. Photos show a large banyan tree had fallen, crushing cars; its flames making a wall of fire.
Flames immediately surrounded her car. Laurie yelled for the others to run - she heard their doors open but did not see them again. She jumped into the flames and ran about 100 yards across a field of burning grass to the main road. A fireman and policeman were about to evacuate when they saw her. They put out the flames on her body and took her to the Civic Center, being used by Red Cross as the Emergency Shelter. That was when the voice message was sent to Perry's phone that they thought they had his wife. An ambulance miraculously got her to the Maui Medical Center in Wailuku. She was life-flighted to the Burn Center in Oahu.
The timeline for these events fall between 3:15 PM August 8 when Perry called to tell Laurie to evacuate, and 4:50 when he received a delayed text from her that the traffic was not moving. Laurie paid a high price for trying to help her neighbors. We pray that they survived.
We realize that there are many fellow humans in crisis. Laurie and Perry happen to be OUR focus for this funding effort. Again, any support you can provide will help them rebuild their lives. Lord, help us all. Amen
Penny Hood - Perry's sister.
Tuesday, August 15
Perry was sent this drone view of the remains of their home.
Laurie's injuries are extensive and more severe than Perry realized until meeting with a surgeon yesterday. Her pain management has been increased, which reduces his time to interact with her. I must emphasize that Laurie's body has been damaged deeper than skin.
We are asking that if you know of anyone with property on Oahu that may be offered as a temporary residence where Perry can stay during her extensive hospital stay, please contact me via Facebook Messenger. I raised the Goal once more after being told her medical care will be long-term.
Let me assure you that Perry has access to your donations to purchase new clothes, but he has chosen to stay in the same shirt, shorts and flip-flops because there is an emotional need to cling to his only possessions. I can't wrap my head around that!
I want to share Perry's Story today: Perry was at work 15 miles from Lahaina when he realized he could no longer communicate with Laurie. The road back to Lahaina was closed, so he could not get to Laurie, who worked from home as Administrative Assistant for a physical therapist. They had been renting part of the house, which is now rubble, for almost 10 years. Cell reception was down, but when he saw some bars on his phone, he quickly checked for messages. The Maui Medical Center voice message simply said "We think we have your wife. She is being flown to the Burn Center on Oahu."
He couldn't call, so he spent that night crying and praying in his car.
The next morning Perry drove the treacherous back road to get to the airport at Kahului. He called a pastor friend to get his car, because there was no parking available. The airport was filled with tourists and residents trying to leave the island. The Pastor took Perry to the front of the ticket line in a very intense crowd. A ticket attendant who overheard the situation pulled Perry aside and got him the last seat to Oahu! When he arrived at the Burn Center, he confirmed her identity.
Perry is only dealing with immediate needs and is not yet ready to seek next-level solutions. Your donations will provide a base for addressing what their future may hold. Thank you for caring!
Monday, August 14
This is a photo of the clothes Perry has been wearing for 6 days. He is so focused on being with Laurie that he washes them out in the hotel shower at night, and has not thought about changing. He was amazed when he realized that what he wore that fateful day was his one and only "Lahaina, Maui" shirt! Laurie is still vulnerable to complications. The Burn Team has expressed more than once that she shouldn't be alive! We believe God allowed her to be conscious enough to say Perry's name, otherwise, she would still be a Jane Doe! I can't share the extent of her injuries, because surgeons have not been able to do a full evaluation of her organ damage. I can ask that you pray for all burn victims and those who must perform their treatment.
My motto for Maui is "Beauty from Ashes, Lord"
Sunday, August 13
Laurie continues to fight for life in the Burn Center ICU. Perry has been loaned a bike to use between his temporary hotel room and the hospital. He is still wearing the clothes he wore to work 5 days ago! He is not ready yet to think beyond survival mode, as you can imagine. A reality that may explain why a $100,000 Campaign is minimal: even a 400-square-foot studio rental on Oahu is over $3,000 a month. La's medical stay will take months! With Perry's income as a resort technician gone, due to the fire destroying power lines on Maui, they will need gifted funds to secure a dwelling for Laurie to come home to for long-term recovery care. Family is trying to get Disaster Relief funds to help with her medical expenses. A side note to emphasize the extent of their losses - Perry is an artist. All of his life's creative work are now in ashes. Perry expresses his gratitude for any and all donations. Please share this Campaign link with others.
Update: The Medical Team has found a sedative that is safe to relieve Laurie of pain when they do treatments. This article was somehow created and has been shared globally. You can honor La by reposting this if you wish. It has a few errors, and "stale information", but it helps a little to know that her injuries came from trying to help others.
Keep praying for everyone whose lives must start over from nothing!
Another confession - I did not predict the scope of love that would be given to La and Perry! I am raising the Goal once more. This isn't to take advantage of caring people, but these gifts speak highly of how much they are cherished. Laurie's treatment and recovery will be long and difficult. Please continue your prayers.
I have to confess that I set the first goal too low, not realizing how many people would respond!
We have heard from so many - even childhood and former school friends. One story to share is about a church friend of Perry's niece and nephew in Montana who arranged for his ride from the hospital to his hotel room after the long day that changed their lives. La's sister, Janel, has provided his hotel so he can be near her!
Please continue to share this GoFundMe post. I believe moments like this are when humanity can unite and rise above other conflicts that pale in comparison to what La and Per are experiencing.
Hello, my brother Perry Allen, and his wife Laurie, lost their home in the Maui fire last night. What is worse, La was critically burned trying to evacuate. She is in Oahu's ICU Burn Unit. This couple is in great need of financial support to help them cover related expenses and to find a new home.
We are praying that by the time Laurie gets released from treatment that our collective gift is enough to provide the miracle of a residence after the fires that have ravaged Lahaina.
Your donations will be put into a Bank Account here in Queen Creek, Arizona where I live. I will forward funds to Perry and provide a ledger of who donated. If you wish to contact me to confirm my relationship and credibility, please text me.
Perry asks for our prayers. I am asking that we put "feet to our compassion" by donating to this couple whose life in Paradise just got destroyed.
Thank you,
Penny Allen-Hood
Organizer and beneficiary
Penny Allen Hood
San Tan Valley, AZ
Perry Allen