The OFFICIAL Peace and Healing for Darnella Fund
Darnella Frazier, the brave young woman who filmed the murder of George Floyd, deserves peace and healing. In addition to the trauma of watching a black man be murdered by police, she has had to deal with trolls, bullies and ignorant people harassing her online. It took unbelievable courage for her to stand there and bear witness to such an awful tragedy. We all have our roles to play in the revolution against white supremacy. Darnella played an important one and should be uplifted, not shamed.
Something broke. This country will never be the same. And in the midst of our rage and pain, we cannot let this young black woman become a casualty.
George Floyd paid the ultimate price of being black in this country. But let us not forget that a CHILD had to be the eyes for this nation. A CHILD paid the price of her innocence, her well-being, her hope, so that white people would start to wake the f-$& up. And people are going out of their way to break her spirit?!
Hell. Nawl. Nope. Not on my watch and not on yours.
White folks: You woke now? Stay woke. You mad? Stay mad. You care about Black Lives? Well we finna care about Darnella, too.
You can’t put a price on a child’s spirit. This fund is to support the healing and the restoration of hope for Darnella Frazier —whatever that means to her. There are many places in the movement where your resources are needed. This is one of them. Thank you.
In solidarity,
Mica Cole Kamenski