Photo principale de la cagnotte

Support Our Favorite Dive Destination!

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Dear Towel Art friends and dive buddies,

We are all aware of the global crisis that surrounds us, and the saddening effect that it continues to have. In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity… The opportunity to help and support the very people who have gone above and beyond to provide us with some of our most cherishable memories. In these unprecedented times, the fun-loving dive professionals you know at Sunset Divers need your assistance.

As the Cayman Islands are in lockdown for the foreseeable future, with the airport closed it means no tourism. No tourism means no wages or tips to cover the daily cost of living. The funds raised will help them through these difficult times or even help them travel back home for a bit until the tourism industry bounces back.

The dive staff are your captains, crew or even your instructor/mentor. The money raised will be split evenly among the staff: Captain Reid (tips and tricks), Phil, Tibor (The Hungarian Hammer), Kat (in the Box), Tyler, Mel, Fan favorite The Scottish lass Vee, Alex, Shan the man, your spiritual guide Tanuj aka TJ, macro man Pablo, Jon, Jack, and the leader of the Towel Art Team, Lee.

Any donations given will be appreciated beyond words. We wait for the day where we can again return to Sunset Divers and enjoy a beer at the bar after a well-earned day of diving.

Stay safe everyone. Keep washing those hands!

Currency is CDN not USD

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Jodie Hennigar
Nanton, AB
Melissa Hart

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