Paying Tribute to Candace C.W. Antwine
Hi, my name is Dana Schallheim. Candace Antwine, my dear friend and Board colleague, passed on July 16, 2021. Many members of the community have reached out and asked how they can help. I am raising funds to assist Candace's family with end of life and funeral expenses. This page is being established with the full consent of Candace's son and family and is, in no way, sponsored or endorsed by the school system. I am Candace's friend and just want to help. Any amount, even a few dollars, will help her family get through this difficult time and honor Candace in a way that she deserves.
Candace Antwine wasn't just my colleague, but was also my dear friend. A staunch supporter for all students, some of the initiatives Candace focused on included fighting to end bullying, hate and bias in our schools, supporting military families, and being a voice for underrepresented and marginalized student communities. Always concerned about the health of the school system, students were the center of every decision she made on the Board. The school system released the following statement following her death which can be found here: http://aacpsschools.org/pressr/?p=6738.
On a personal note, Candace was my bestie on the Board and I frankly can't imagine work without her. She always had my back, was someone I could confide in, and someone who really knew and understood me regardless if we agreed or not on topics discussed at work. I will deeply miss our frequent conversations that always started with a few things her or I wanted to discuss but always meandered into our families and personal lives, her energy, her drive, and that smile. May Candace's memory forever be a blessing.