Donation protected
In late December 2022 my husband fell ill after months of testing he received the devastating diagnosis of stage 3 T4 P16+ squamous carcinoma an aggressive form of cancer in March 2023. His cancer was in his tongue, lymph nodes, jaw, a tumor at the base of his carotid bulb and tonsils. After sitting with our daughter, we decided to pursue treatment with the Smilow Cancer Hospital, in New Haven. Treatment was aggressive and daunting. We live about 45 minutes away from New Haven, we traveled to Yale's Smilow Hospital, daily for 7 weeks. My husband received 7 rounds of chemotherapy, and 35 sessions of radiation. While undergoing treatment we are facing mounting medical bills on top of our fixed income. The medications that my husband now needs to sustain a better quality of life, some of them are upwards of $500 for one prescription a month.
After a 90 day PETSCAN follow nap, we were told there were still some cells showing activity in his tonsil area and that there would need to be a biopsy. We completed the biopsy, and within a two week window we were told on 10/30 that the treatments worked. We were elated- but it was bittersweet. Pauls condition had deteriorated quickly due to an ulcer in his throat. His body was unable to heal itself properly due to extreme malnutrition. After talking, albeit aggressively, with his care team he was admitted finally to Smilow to undergo treatment for an infection in the ulcer as well as a procedure for a feeding tube placement on 10/31. While he was admitted the ulcer ruptured, creating a full code scenario. Paul was critically ill and in ICU for 11 days, many of those days were spent sedated and intubated to protect his airway. We almost lost him before our eyes. It was incredibly traumatic to witness your loved one be so ill. Paul was discharged, by a miracle of luck. They were able to place a G Tube to provide nourishment for him. For the next 3 months he is only able to receive his nutrition through his G tube, to allow his throat the necessary time it needs to make a full recovery.
Any donation that you can help with will help offset the mounting medical debts as well as support further healing for Paul and our family. We are so lucky that he is still here with us.
Thank you for your help.
Jacqueline Hychko
Waterbury, CT