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Pat's eyes

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Patricia Ann Goldsmith (Pat) could once see but now she can't. After a life that began with many struggles and years of self doubt, she realized she could turn her life around. Her goal was to help others. Because she had experienced the support of others, she determined she wanted to share what it felt like.  While working as a nursing assistant Pat enrolled in school to become a nurse. She received her Licensed Practical Nurse's (LPN) licenses and then enrolled in school to become a Registered Nurse (RN).
While driving home from work, in the rain, she had to pull over. Pat realized she could no longer drive because she could no longer see.

Due to Glaucoma, she is legally blind.

There are now glasses available that will help many people who are legally blind be able to see again. These glasses are from a company called Esight . On January 22nd 2018, my sisters and I took pat to Cincinnati Ohio for a demostration for the glasses and lo and behold they worked for her . You can imagine the excitement she experienced being able to see the faces of her family, cars in the parking lot, colors and print.
With the Esight glasses her vision improved to virtually 20-20.
Unfortunately, the glasses that will allow her to see again are very expensive. The price is $10,000. As a family we will try to get as close to this as possible but we realize that it is a very steep mountain to climb.

Pat's inability to see affects her and her family in many ways. She is fearful of being in places that are unfamiliar and expresses concerns regarding being bothersome when asking for help.
She works hard at being independent but it has been very difficult. She can not read her mail, prepare her meals, choose her clothing, and has difficulty navigating her phone.

Though she had to abandon RN school, Pat has always been a caregiver and to this day continues (to the best of her ability) to try to care for her disabled son. She tries to make sure that he keeps his doctor's appointments, has food and lives in a safe, clean environment. 
Receiving any help at all would go  a very long way to creating an easier and more enjoyable life for, not only Pat, but all of us that love her so much. It would allow her to complete day to day tasks easier,  possibly work or just have the ability to sit down as a family and watch tv. This would be incredibly amazing.

Thank you so much for donations and/or considerations.

To help me get the word out, please share this link on any social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Thanks again
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  • Carolyn Tucker
    • 50 $ 
    • 6 ans
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Barbara Blake
Dayton, OH

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