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Raoni & Bemoro Save Rainforest2016

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I am Judy Da Silva from Grassy Narrows First Nation in Ontario Canada. My husband Bepgogoti is from Brazil.  His well known uncle Amazon Rain Forest DefenderRaoni reached out to him February 2015 to help him get to Canada to tell everyone what is going on in the forests of Brazil.  Raoni said he needs help to get to Canada so that he can tell his story about South Para
and North Mato Grosso where the Kayapo people are situated.  Right now there is a big hydro dam being built which is called Belo Monte;  this dam threatens to destory the forest where the Kayapo and many other indigenous groups are located.  It will destroy the  Xingu River which gives life to the forest and the ones who inhabit the forest including the animals, numerous rare plants and birds.
Raoni has requested to come to Canada as soon as possible to bring this information to  North America because time is of the essence.  For one he is about 92 years old and he is still willing to travel to share his great knowledge and information about the Rainforest, one of the lungs of our planet.


Judy Da Silva
Grassy Narrows, ON

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