Ovarian cyst removal, appendix surgery and more.
Donation protected
Hi my name is Anthony Emerson, I’m the cousin of Whitney. Whitney is 27 years old and she has two children, she lives in Jamaica. When she was 18 years old she gave birth to her first child who is now 8 years old. After having her daughter she did a pop smear and the results stated that she had abnormal cells on her cervix. She started to attend a gyno clinic every month for 7 months until she stopped. The reason for her stopping is she lived about 20 minutes away from the clinic which she had to go to, she has no car and no one that could help with a ride to and from clinic. Eventually she had no money to pay for taxi either. A couple years later when her daughter turned 4 years old she started having abdominal pain which led her to not being able to walk or stand straight. She would be in and out of the hospital constantly for the same pain. Each time she went they would say she has ovarian cyst or it’s her appendix. At one point they told her she was not able to have another child, but she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl July 2020 who’s now 2 years old. This have been going on for years now and it has now gotten worst. About 2 weeks ago she went to the hospital for the same pain and they didn’t keep her, she went home and had to leave home and go to another hospital because the pain was getting worst. She went and did just one ultrasound and it turns out she has cancerous cells in her body and she needs surgery for the ovarian cysts to be removed and an appendix surgery. Also she has other ultrasounds to get done and blood tests. She is constantly in pain, she can barely take care of her oldest child because of this issue and I am seeking help for
her to get this done so she can go back to being a mother. The reason I mentioned just the oldest is because the youngest child is with her father’s family so she has people to help with that child. For the oldest it’s not so easy. She have been taking care of the oldest on her own and with all her struggles she has never given up being that little girl’s mother. So if you can help please do before it’s too late, help save her more time with her kids I am grateful and honored for whatever it is or how much you can help with. Even a prayer will also help the process. Thank you so much for listening.
Anthony Emerson
Atlanta, GA