Mr. D's Writing A Book!
"How many times do you read a street sign for directions? What if you can't read it? Put yourself in those shoes. Can you imagine not being able to recite the alphabet in your 60s? Or not be able to read a street sign while driving. What would you call a person like that, smart, intelligent, insightful? How about lazy, stupid or dumb.
There was a saying I would hear lot when I was a kid. “Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you”. Words will never hurt in less of course you believe them. If you believe those words like, lazy, stupid, and dumb then that's exactly what you become. If you are told that you’re stupid because you can't memorize the alphabet enough times, that's exactly what you start to believe, that you're stupid because you can't memorize the alphabet like everyone else can.
I know how that feels to be called stupid, lazy, dumb and worse. I know how it feels to be that kid that nobody understood, to be that kid that nobody wanted to be around. A kid who just want to disappear into the darkness and never come out.
But I did come out of the darkness. I did overcome the labels of stupid, lazy and dumb.
I made it out of the shadows and this is my story.
Hi, my name is Scott Douthit I'm a professional educator and an adult dyslexic. I grew up going to school during the 50s, 60s and 70s and I have written a book reflecting on how I dealt with being dyslexic during that time. I've written this book because I want people who are going through the same problems that I did to know that they are not alone. Lacking confidence and isolation are very crippling emotions to have anyone help me a lot to know that there are other people like me out there.
My intent is to get the book that I have written edited, published and produce on a national scale. I will also need a publicist to guide me through all the ins and outs of this process. That is why I need to raise money so I can fund the editing, publishing and distribution of this book.
This is our short term goal to get us to the publishing phase. Please help if you can!
Thank you very much
Scott Douthit"
My name is Claire Lazar and like many people, my life was changed and heart was touched by Magical Mr. D.
Over the years Mr. D and I have stayed in touch and he asked me to join the team and help faclicate his book journey with him; after everything he has done for me it was a huge honor and I accepted with pleasure.
This book might not change the world, but it could help change someones life. Please help Scott help more people and spread his word. Lets give back to someone who contiues to give so much of himself.
Please contact me with any questions or comments. We love reading your stories too! Please share one of your favrotie stories about Mr. D.