Our gorgeous Judith Heppell
Sadly at the beginning of August I lost a very dear friend in the most tragic circumstances. The loss of Judith has left a huge hole not only in my life but in the lives of her loved ones April, Sami, Paul, her brothers and all of her friends and family who have been profoundly affected by her loss.
I have been thinking about this for the last few weeks how I wanted to do something in her memory which might bring comfort to those people and bring us all together to remember Judith.
Those who knew Judith know she was the life and soul of every event (often late lol) and she loved nothing more than going out walking and calling for a quick pint on route.
So with that being said Im asking you all to join me on a sponsored walk, £10pp and we will be raising funds in aid of REDCAR & CLEVELAND MIND
The walk will take place on Saturday 11th November at 10:30am from The Cleveland Bay in Redcar. We will walk to The Ship Inn at Saltburn for a refreshment stop. Then walk back to The Cleveland Bay where I have booked their venue on the evening for as long as is needed.
This walk will be approximately 10 miles. All ages welcome including dogs (the more the merrier as we know how much Judith loved dogs).
If people can’t do the whole walk then you are more than welcome to do half the route or even meet us after. If for any reason you are unable to walk then I have set up a go fund me page with the link attached.
This is so people can also get sponsorship.
The more we can raise the better.
So the most important question is…..who’s in?
Hayley Bennett