The Tell a Story, Save a Life Project
Every person's story matters. and yours just might save a life.
Entrepreneurs are silently suffering. There is no boss to check in, manager to lean on...
Too many suffer from anxiety, depression and hopelessness with the heartbreaking feeling that they are alone.
But we can change that. Because they aren't alone.
Funds will be used to produce a documentary featuring well known thought leaders on their previous struggles, how they overcame them and why it matters.
The best in business, the ground shakers, the movement makers, the life changers... have gone through these dark moments and as we shed a light, the shame will disappear and more will seek help. The stigma will lift.
The mission is not over until there is no one at risk.
Ready to save a life? Join us.
Every gift matters...
Underwrite the program's outreach so that we can reach more people who need to hear this message. Your name will be listed in the documentary credits at the Supporter Level.
Life Saver
They say another life is lost every 40 seconds. Your contribution will fund 40 seconds of the documentary and your name will be listed in the documentary credits and you will receive an official #TellAStorySaveaLife wrist band.
Produce five minutes of the documentary. Your name will be listed in the documentary credits, you will receive an official #TellAStorySaveaLife wrist band and journal and an invitation to the documentary premiere party.
12 x $997
-- Attend the filming of the documentary
-- Receive a press release naming you as a Co Producer on the film
-- Receive naming credit in the film naming you as a Co Producer
-- Receive naming credit on all movie posters as a Co Producer
-- A 24 X 36 full-size, limited edition copy of the movie poster—suitable for framing
-- A Production Certificate certifying your role as a Co Producer on the film
-- If we win a Telly Award, you have the option to purchase a Personalized Statue
-- Invitation to attend the movie premiere
-- #TellAStorySaveaLife wrist band and journal
12 x $1,497
-- Attend the filming of the documentary
-- Press Release naming you as an Executive Producer on the Film
-- Naming Credit in the film naming you as an Executive Producer
-- Naming Credit on all movie posters as an Executive Producer
-- A full-size, limited edition copy of the movie poster—suitable for framing
-- A Production Certificate certifying your role as an Executive Producer on the film
-- If we win a Telly Award, you have the option to purchase a Personalized Statue
-- Invitation to attend the movie premiere
-- Receive an IMDB listing that shows you as an Executive Producer
-- You will receive a Custom Movie Trailer
-- Receive a ticket to attend the 2021 National Association of Experts, Writers and Speakers Success Summit and EXPY® Awards, and receive a Media and Communications EXPY® Award!
-- #TellAStorySaveaLife wrist band and journal
Created in partnership with Powerful Professionals, DNA Films and Genius & Sanity.