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Adoption: Swept Away With Love

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I have been drawn to this idea of being swept away with love and the representation of a vintage hot air balloon. It is a dream taking flight...venturing into the beyond and landing exactly where it should.

Our adoption journey has been long and hard. It started in 1987 when God first spoke this to me. I spent my childhood, my teen years, college and beyond, confessing that I would adopt. After almost 2 years of knowing the time was nearing and fearing what that would entail, we started those "real" conversations and then we began to take steps in October of 2013. By October of 2014, after a failed placement, we had been matched. It was bitter sweet for we knew we made it to the next phase of the journey and yet my husband said, "We are not done." All along he knew we would do this twice. All along the pain of another journey would not settle easily in my stomach.

In March of 2015, fresh into newborn land after the December birth of our daughter, we surrendered. There had been presentations of personal adoption situations thrown at us since January and we could hear and feel the thunder of a second adoption coming for us like a train. So we announced it- "We will be adopting again." We knew it would be subject to His timing. We took a relaxed approach and just figured it would happen. That didn't last long.

I was told of a 6 month old in an abusive home who needed a family and my heart leaped to pray and then it took action to rally support to be the family to say, "Yes." After a couple months process, the battered mother could not let her baby go. This is hard stuff.

Here we are, with a home study completed in September of 2015, and one year from our BIG announcement; hearts wondering what is God doing...when will this happen?

What we do know is that this IS His plan and His timing. God is concerned about the journey and we often only focus on the outcome. It's easy to surrender to get the outcome and so very hard to surrender to the journey. But here we are... walking this out... surrendering to God's divine journey and keeping our hearts connected to the outcome of a child that is waiting to join hearts with us as well.

So we throw this dream up in the air, let it float and land where it should, just how it should, right when it should.

Would you dream with us?


  • Sabrina Davis
    • $25
    • 8 yrs
  • Emerald Raffle Fundraiser
    • $2,317 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Hospital Fee Campaign
    • $1,100 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Park Benefit
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Latajah's Park Benefit (Benton Baby Benefit)
    • $400 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs


Crishana Dionne Benton
Jacksonville, FL

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