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Voting is overwhelming.

There is a lot to learn when it comes to voting. Figuring out how to register, learning the options for how to vote, making deadlines, researching candidates, finding the time to participate and more can make the process stressful. Founded in 2020, HASHTAG VOTE works to change this.

A non-partisan education group, we believe that the strongest way to change the world is by casting a ballot. Our goal is to give potential voters the information they need - clearly and concisely. To inspire these voters to turn out, we help them identify issues that matter to them, and provide resources to help them explore their voting priorities. We also offer lesson plans to educators to make it as easy as possible for new voters to participate in democracy.

We are raising money to help achieve this vision. Our goal is to raise $1,000 to assist with domain hosting, enhancing our online outreach, and establishing as a non-profit organization.

HASHTAG VOTE was founded with the belief that every chance to vote is a chance to have your voice heard. No one takes a salary, and all funds are used towards helping our communities learn to use their superpower. We are in the earliest phase of our outreach, and we need your help to grow. Find out more about our mission at

Thank you,

Janine, Alisa & Denise


Janine Rietz
Abingdon, VA

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