Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Nielsen Family Fire Relief Fund

Donazione protetta
I am starting a GoFundMe account for the Nielsen Family who are friends of mine in my community. At approximately 4:00pm on July 4th, a 5 gallon propane tank exploded at the back of the house. Parents and children scrambled to escape from the ensuing blaze that would end up destroying the family home.

It has been determined by the police and fire departments that this was an accident and possible that a firework from somewhere in the neighborhood landed on the Nielsen's deck,  and started to smolder. It heated
up athe 5 gal. propane tank and exploded.  That explosion melted the natural gas meter
on the house and caused the gas to flow freely, causing a raging inferno. The fire burned quick and hot destroying everything in it's path in mere moments.  It took 44 firefighters, from 4 different cities, to get it out.

Fortunately, all nine family members and three pets escaped with no injury.  With only seconds to leave the home, some of the children weren't even able to gather their shoes. The home and all of their belongings were destroyed.

Although the Nielsen's do carry home owners insurance, they will need assistance in rebuilding many aspects of their home life including clothing, bedding, food, home schooling supplies and books, etc. It will be several months until they are able to rebuild their home. 

If you are willing and able, please feel free to donate any amount to this wonderful and loving family! All benefits will go directly to Josef Nielsen. Thank you!



  • Anonima
    • 20 $ 
    • 7 anni

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Jennifer Archuleta O'Very
Riverton, UT
Josef Nielsen

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