Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

FIGHTING BACK: Nicole Chabot Ryan

Beschermde donatie
Hi again everybody. Nicole Chabot Ryan's husband J here...

One year ago we had a crazy idea--to set up a foundation for Nicole, her future and the goal of bettering lives for every single person suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and similar autoimmunity disease.

It took many months and lots of hard work but the Nicole Chabot Ryan Auto Immunity Foundation is now a real thing... driving love and community to end autoimmunity. Currently partnering with the neurology department @ David Geffen Medical School & UCLA Health as well as other specialists throughout Los Angeles, Nicole is being poked and prodded not just for treatment of her own MS but for teaching and educational learning. She believes this is now her purpose.

Unfortunately, the year of change has taken its toll. The physical abilities already stripped-away, continue to deteriorate now affecting cognitive and behavioral abilities as well. Every single thing Nicole struggles with is currently "worse" but she is the hardest fighter any of us know and she will not go down easy. That famous laugh and smile are still very strong and honestly... some days, this is what carries us through.

Our community has been incredible! We could not have done any of this without you and your support! Financially, emotionally, advisory, legal, all of it... thank you, thank you, thank you, period.

When it comes to future fundraising, several LA automotive institutions are planning AIF fundraisers and we have some other ideas for 2023 but in the meantime, to keep momentum (and Nicole) going and get the foundation on its feet, GoFundMe was again recommended to get the word out. We are grateful for your support with any amount appreciated. Every single dollar makes a difference. THANK YOU.

Lots more to come but in the meantime, many, many thanks for your time and consideration,


  • John Benton
    • $500 
    • 5 mnd.
  • steven reich
    • $100 
    • 5 mnd.
  • Michael Mann
    • $111 
    • 5 mnd.
  • Omid Sajjadi
    • $50 
    • 8 mnd.
  • Anoniem
    • $50 
    • 8 mnd.

Inzamelingsactieteam: (4)

J Ryan
Los Angeles, CA
Nicole Ryan
Team member
Michael Chisholm
Team member
Nicole Ryan
Team member

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    Je donatie wordt beschermd door de GoFundMe Donatiegarantie