1000 sessions of tattoo removal
Donation protected
Joining a gang can happen many ways, generational, fear, respect or a sense of belonging. Along with joining a gang come gang tattoo markings to indicate the neighborhood they represent. Over time gang members outgrow the gang and need to escape. It’s not as simple as picking up and moving to another neighborhood because the gang tattoos are still prominent on their face, hand, head or chest. Removing a gang tattoo can be a decision between life and death and former gang members who are committed to a better lifestyle and raising a family take that leap to remove their gang tattoos. However, the cost of tattoo removal will not allow this to happen.

That’s why we came up with the idea of “10 CITIES, 10 DAYS, 1000 SECOND CHANCES ” Our goal is to remove 100 tattoos in one day at each city free of charge! We are focusing on helping former gang members to regain their escaped social respect and to attain a full time job. In addtion to tattoo removal we will provide resume writing and interview techniques. We will work with local companies to set up booths for a mini job fair. The removal of visible tattoos will help the clients gain confidence when interviewing for a job or simply: STAYING ALIVE.

Let me introduce our organization. New Skin Tattoo Removal is a nonprofit organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area armed with Board-certified physicians and nurses and 100% volunteers to help former gang members, at-risk youth and recently released incarcerated individuals to rid of them of unnecessary tattoos. We have partnered with several nonprofits and city members throughout the San Francisco Bay Area who send their clients to us in an attempt to remove their gang related tattoos. The goal is change their lifestyles.

We offer a free consultation for our clients to have a deep insight about what tattoo removal is all about and it’s after effects. We are currently using the latest equipment and technology to offer the tattoo holders a healthy friendly removing experience.
Adam King, Executive Director of New Skin Tattoo Removal founded the organization in 2010 and started with 15 clients. To date, New Skin Tattoo Removal has helped over 5460 clients!
The cities chosen represent a large gang population and our hope is to attract those invididuals who do not have an option to remove their gang tattoos.

Let me show you the calculated expenses for the project first. The following will be fulfilled through your funds.
· Traveling and accommodation fees; your funds will mainly be utilized to fulfill travelling and lodging expenses for our volunteering team
· Machine maintenance and office supplies
· Additional funds raised will support our interviewing techniques and resume writing for the treated clients to help them get a deeper understanding about how to plan their future prospects confidently and also it will help further growth of our new skin tattoo removal program, helping even more people reclaim the truth of who they are and become contributing members of the community
Here is a video from our last successful crowdfunding campaign! Check it out...
Choose not to make a financial contribution? It’s totally OK. If you feel compelled, there are other ways to support the campaign.
· Spread the word. Share this campaign on social media, or by word of mouth.
· Like us on Facebook and Instagram
· Foward this campagin to family and friends
$5 Donation
Early Bird Social Media Thunderclap
Make any level investment in our campaign and we'll give you big thanks on our website as well as Facebook and Twitter and this is an early bird perk only.
$15 Donation
10 cities 10 days 1000 Gang Tattoos Removed Wristband
Get your 10 cities, 10 days, 1000 gang tattoos removed wristband, plus benefit above.
$25 Donation
Full Name Added to the Documentary
Our campaign will be documented for release as an independent film. Your name will appear in the documentary, plus benefits above.
$50 Donation
New Skin Tattoo Removal Polo Shirt
Get a New Skin Tattoo Removal t-shirts with the logo embroidered, plus benefits above.
$200 Donation
Get your tattoo removed for free
6 Free tattoo removal sessions (for you or a friend) plus benefits above
Once we raise $20,000 the outcomes will allow us to decide if we should do this campaign each month with the overall goal of opening a New Skin Tattoo Removal program in each of the 10 cities we visit.
Your donation and support is greatly appreciated! If we can change the life of one individual we have accomplished our goal!
Please visit us at: www.newskintr.com

New Skin Tattoo Removal
San Jose, CA