New Oven for Kate's Pie Shop
Donation protected

At least twice a week I have people walking into our pie shop wanting, expecting, hoping for a whole pie, and I feel bad when I have to say no. I would love nothing better than to have several pies ready for the choosing. Everyday! Because sometimes you never know when a pie emergency arrives; company shows up unexpectently, a last minute office party in the middle of the day, or darn it, ya just want to take a pie home at the end of the day! I get it, You need a pie. Now! I want to be there for you, ready with a great artisan handmade locally made pie.
Unfourtunately, our one oven is just too small. It cannot accommodate the extra work. We fill our pie case with an assortment of slices, and pre-ordered pies every single day, there is just not enough room or time in the day to make more pies from my one oven; and FORGET about those big pie holidays, boy howdie, it is darn near impossible for us to keep up.
Yes, the time has come. We need an additional oven. What would work, and fit our tiny kitchen, would be a double deck electric convection oven.
The Moffat E27M3-2C 32" Double Stack Turbofan Full Size Electric Convection Oven with Casters to be exact. Asking price $4,307 and 50¢

Alas, we are in one of those catch 22 situations. We need to make more pies. We need money to buy this oven, in order to make more money to buy this oven, we need to make more pies, to make more pies we need this oven...whew.
We are humbly asking for your help to keep your local pie shop growing and offer a bigger selection of freshly baked pies, both sweet and savory.
We are greatful for any donation you can give us, equally greatful for $5, $10, or $15 donation as well as the $100, $200 or $500 ones.
There is a pie in your future. I hope you will let me bake it for you.
Thank you
Kate Sullivan
Rockford, IL