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Stand With Nelson: Help an Artsakh family in need

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The recent aggression and ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan against the Armenian population of Artsakh has led to immense loss and devastation. This has become one of the most significant humanitarian crises in modern Armenian history, forcibly displacing over 100,000 people from their homes and native homeland.

Our campaign seeks your support to provide a lifeline for a family deeply affected by these events.

Photos by David Ghahramanyan

On September 25, 2023, a catastrophic explosion at a gas station in Berkadzor near Stepanakert claimed the lives of at least 220 people and caused over 300 injuries. Among the victims was a 17-year-old boy, Nelson (we are withholding his full identity for his protection). That day, following the forced displacement of Armenians in Artsakh by Azerbaijan, Nelson, along with his father, uncles, and two cousins, were frantically trying to fill their cars with gas as they evacuated Stepanakert. Tragically, the explosion occurred amidst this chaos, instantly killing both Nelson’s cousins and uncles. One uncle remains missing, as his body was never identified at the scene. Nelson's father, Ashot, a military veteran, sustained severe injuries and was hospitalized but sadly passed away after nine days, leaving Nelson as the sole surviving male in his family.

Nelson himself sustained life-threatening injuries and spent two months in a Yerevan hospital, suffering severe wounds, particularly on his hands and face. During this time, he formed a close bond with another young patient, Arman, who was later transferred to Shriners Boston Children's Hospital through the Armenian Medical Association. Nelson’s condition initially prevented him from traveling for care.

Photos by David Ghahramanyan

A volunteer from Watertown, informed of Nelson’s plight by a family friend, collaborated with the Armenian American Medical Association to arrange care at Shriners Hospital in Boston for Nelson.

On January 5, 2024, Christmas Eve, Nelson and his mother arrived at Shriners Hospital, where he underwent major surgery to reconstruct his hands and face. He continues to receive lifesaving care there.

Today, we urgently request your support for Nelson and his family. After being forcibly displaced, Nelson, his two sisters, aunts, and mother are struggling to rebuild their lives. Your donation can provide vital aid and support them as they attempt to heal and move forward.

Your contribution embodies the spirit of giving and compassion, providing not just financial support, but also a message of hope and solidarity to Nelson and his family during this difficult time.

Photos by David Ghahramanyan

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant difference. Thank you for standing with us and for showing that in times of need, humanity can come together to uplift those who are suffering.
Je contribue


  • Nicolas Beckrich
    • $5 
    • 17 d
  • Carol Hoyen
    • $50 
    • 3 mos
    • $85 
    • 4 mos
  • Maya Hanna
    • $20 
    • 4 mos
  • Anonyme
    • $100 
    • 4 mos
Je contribue


Stepan Chiloyan
Watertown, MA

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