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April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Donación protegida

Child abuse is an all-too-common occurrence. Every year, 700,000 children experience abuse. It could be that a child you pass on the street or know personally is involved in a traumatic situation that endangers their life. No child should live in fear or be forced into unsafe conditions.

Since 1983, every April has been dedicated to spreading awareness and encouraging community involvement to stop child abuse through events and activities. Our children and families count on the action and support of communities across the nation to step up and bring hope to dark and dangerous situations.

National Child Abuse Prevention Month strives to give children and their families the assistance they need through the efforts of organizations, agencies, and individuals just like you. Our children deserve to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment so they can become healthy, thriving adults. Together, our communities can give strength to vulnerable families.

Your Help Is Needed

Oftentimes, children that are being abused are too afraid to come forward and ask for help. They could be threatened into silence by their abuser, or lack the faith and trust in adults to give them the assistance they require without additional repercussions.

Learn to spot the signs of child abuse or neglect and report them to the proper authorities. This could be an unexplained injury, self-harm, or poor hygiene. The child could also be reluctant to go home or even attempt to run away.

Other signs can often be mistaken for rebelliousness, such as poor performance in school, anger, or defiance. Low self-esteem, social withdrawal, or avoiding certain people or places are also red flags to watch out for.

Child abuse has far-reaching consequences for the children who suffer through it. They are frequently plagued by mental health issues, engage in risky behaviors, or turn to crime. Some even perpetuate the cycle of abuse later in life. With the education and support efforts of NCAPM and community members like you, child abuse and neglect can be stopped and even prevented.

Five children die as a result of abuse or neglect each day. You can be the hero our children need by educating yourself and pledging your children safety donation. Funding is desperately needed so programs have the resources they need to identify abuse cases and intervene in a meaningful way. Any amount or form of support gives hope to families and friends that are experiencing a tough situation.

How I-Guardian Can Help Prevent Abuse

It is a sad fact that 20% to 30% of child abuse cases get overlooked by hospitals and other agencies. Last year alone, an estimated one in seven children was abused. Early identification of these tragic situations is essential to stopping them and keeping children safe.

I-Guardian is a non-profit organization that is working on critical technology to greatly increase the effectiveness of medical professionals, government agencies, law enforcement, and other programs for recognizing and stopping child abuse.

Access to crucial data through a unified system is the best way to monitor and track concerns and make sure they don't escalate into abuse. I-Guardian is creating an innovative solution to identify child abuse early on and prevent trauma. Real-time data and communication between the professionals that work with children and have the power to intervene quickly can make a huge difference in the quality of life of so many children.

I-Guardian's unique approach uses Artificial Intelligence to conduct an analysis of available data and determine the likelihood of the presence of abuse. This is a game-changer as it allows relevant agencies to get ahead of the problem and address the child's needs fast.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and this year, we are asking everyone to consider donating to our GoFundMe page to help us with our journey in stopping Child Abuse. Whether it's a $1, $5, $10, or more, every penny goes towards saving a child's life and making that child's future as hopeful and bright as possible. You can make a difference right now by donating to our GoFundMe campaign to help prevent child abuse.

I currently work on developing technological solutions intended to prevent child abuse and identify possible child abuse cases. I am proud to work for: i-Guardian - a nonprofit group  dedicated to child safety and prevention.  I am thankful they have given me the chance to create the kind of technology that could save thousands of innocent children from being neglected and abused. But, as with all nonprofit organizations, our ability to exceed our goals depends on giving people like you to contribute to our mission.

By contributing today, you'll have the opportunity to help abused children escape the hopelessness and pain they endure. By donating or sharing the link , it would be extremely helpful to our charity, as all of our successes so far have been due to the kindness and generosity of our many donors.

Thank you so much for finding it in your heart to help stop child abuse. Your contributions and our solution helps families around the world who struggle with child abuse.



  • Shawn Lewis
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Christopher Tampol
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $200 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $20 
    • 2 yrs
  • Adam Keith
    • $20 
    • 2 yrs


I-Guardian Org
Oradell, NJ

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe