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The Dixon Family

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It comes with great sadness the story I am about to tell you all. A family that I have known for the better half of nearly two decades have been faced with an unforseen nightmare. Early Thursday morning the Dixon family awoke to something you only witness in horror movies. Fighting for their lives, they had to fight to save eachother from their beloved son, and brother Colin Dixon. Colin is a loving, kind person that everyone knows as putting himself second. The Dixon family all were transported to the hospital with Chris, father and sole provider, fighting for his life. Shawnna, loving mother of three children Ashley, Colin, and Mckailey, was treated and released. Mac, was treated and released but is in need of surgery for her hand that was affected during this nightmare. And Chris, needed a life saving surgery to save his life, and is still in the hospital recovering. Chris will  be undergoing multiple hand surgeries in the next week, as well as PT to regain proper use of his hands. Ashley was not at the scene when this occurred, her and her young Child are safe! I am reaching out in reguards for this family in their time of need. Chris' medical insurance will cover only 50-70% of his medical needs, but they are in need for help with the other 20-50%. And with all of this, and Chris not being able to work, and being the sole provider I am asking for aid for their monthly bills. This family has been and always will be an extension of my family. And though you may not know them directly or have any correlation, I know that when a family is truly in need the community always stands together to help eachother. So if you have the means and can donate just $5-$10, not enough to break you but enough to make an impact towards our goal and help a family in grave times of need, it would mean the world. And if you can just share, that spreads the word to many more people that can also help =) Thank you for reading this post, and please keep all of the Dixon family in your prayers. I will be praying for Chris, Shawnna, Ashley, Colin, and Mac everyday. They have been through an unimaginable nightmare, and I hope this can give them the time they need to heal. You can read the KPTV story about the event below. http://www.kptv.com/story/37306022/battle-ground-man-accused-of-attacking-sleeping-father-with-bread-knife


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Savanah Hart
Vancouver, WA
Christian Dixon

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