MYDAKAR - Mike Wiedemann
Die Rallye Dakar stellt ihre Teilnehmer jedes Jahr vor extreme finanzielle Herausforderungen.
Mike Wiedemann möchte als jüngster deutscher Biker bei der Rallye in Saudi Arabien an den Start gehen. Seit 2 Jahren arbeitet er sehr intensiv an diesem Projekt. Leider mussten zwei meiner Hauptsponsoren aufgrund von Covid-19 ihre Unterstützung zurückziehen!
Als Einzelperson ist er schwach, aber gemeinsam mit Euch kann er etwas ganz besonderes erreichen. Mit jedem gespendeten Euro bringt IHR ihn seinem Ziel einen Schritt näher.
Danke fürs Lesen und Eure Unterstützung
For his english & specially arab friends :)
Every year the Dakar Rally participants are facing extreme financial challenges. Mike Wiedemann will become the youngest German biker ever competing in the rallye in Saudi Arabia and been working very intensively on this project for the last two years. Unfortunately, two of his main sponsors had to withdraw their support due to Covid-19 implications.
As an individual he is weak, but together we can get this done and achieve something very special with him. With every Euro you donate, you are getting him closer to his goal - the Dakar 2022!
As his mentor , having lived in Saudi Arabia and Middle East for 25 years, my hopes now are down to my arabian history and the coutries I have spent my best years of my life! The motorsport enthusiastic people and the pride of showing their culture and country!
I'm sure Mike would be proud of showing the Saudi banner on his bike and his love to the beautiful landscape there!
Thanks for reading, your support and please SHARE the link with your friends and motorcycle clubs!