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My brother running for SEED Eating Disorders

You can make a difference by donating today to SEED EATING DISORDERS SUPPORT SERVICES.

Many of you know my story, many may not. Please see below this campaign on behalf of my amazing brother Chris ♥ Chris captained Hull Kingston Rovers, played for Salford Reds and Castleford Tigers in his career and he did all of that whilst he still had to hold up and deal with my eating disorder that devasted us all. Thank you for always sticking by me Chris. You're amazing. He now does radio commentary for rugby games with radio Humberside, is a fire fighter and also finds time to coach young rugby players. Not sure how he's finding time to train for the marathon! Please support him  

 "Hi, my name is Chris Charles, brother of Gemma Oaten and this year I’m running the Virgin London Marathon in aid of the charity SEED Eating Disorder Support Services (Support and Empathy for people with Eating Disorders)

SEED was set up by my parents 21 years ago in order to provide sufferers and carers with confidential, independent and non-judgemental advice and support to ensure they are aided by the best possible network to facilitate recovery from an eating disorder.

Along with the many services on offer such as workshop events, nutritional guidance, email and text support and advice for carers, they also offer tool kits to schools to help with early intervention which is vitally important with this illness.

I, for one, have seen the devastating impact this illness has on not only sufferers but families and friends as the recovery can be a long drawn out process.

I speak from the heart when I say that if by running the marathon I can help 1 person, 1 family, 1 friend not have to watch their loved ones go through this then it will be truly worthwhile. I have seen my sister, Gemma, go through many tough battles, visited her in referral units and hospitals not knowing if she would pull through and know that I would not wish this illness on any person or family.

The top photo on the cover of this campaign was taken days before my sister suffered a heart attack in her late teens. It still haunts me to think I nearly lost her too many times, but it shows the severity of this devastating mental health illness. The bottom photo is mum, Dad, Gemma and I at their SEED gala Two years ago... Recovery is possible, this is why my family does what it does. To make sure no other family goes through this heart ache. Early intervention is key.

This is just a snap shot of my reasons for helping the charity raise vital funds to help continue this service. If you can support and donate, then I and many others will be very grateful. As my sister always says, "it matters, you matter"

Many thanks,






  • Carl Henrickson
    • £10
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • £100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • £25
    • 3 yrs
  • Kim Fairhall
    • £10
    • 3 yrs
  • Sue Baker
    • £20
    • 3 yrs

Spendenteam: Fundraising team (2)

Gemma Oaten
Stuart Abrahams
Team member

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