Seed Funds to a Research Project on #Music4Health!
Donation protected
I am in process of defining a full-fledged Research Prospect for a formal PhD Thesis.
The Working Title is;
"The Birth, Emergence and Manifestation of the Cultural Brain Initiative – A Tale of Institutional Entrepreneurship In The Quest of Unravelling the Music For Health Mystery"
I need finances to cover equipment, gear, travel costs, and events visited to let the project lift off through your Micro Scholarships.
Searching for an affiliation takes time, and beyond that energy spent, financing for an estimated four-year full-time work is the next step. In a reasonable timeline, I hope to kick off the formal research project at the earliest in 2024.
To read more on 'me' and The Longer Story as background and motivation to this Senior PhD Project, see my academic profile over at https://vxu.academia.edu/AndersAbrahamsson, and soon also a dedicated project site with further detailing.
The fundraising goal targets 75k in SEK (roughly 7500 USD).
A detailed view of the budget to be published when project site is up.
All who contribute get a mention in the Appendix of the final product!
Thank you for your #LoveCash!
If you also want to regularly support me with my Daily Living and Expenses of Everydayness, please consider a private donation on BuyMeACoffee.
Over there, you can become a Member of RE:LOVE THE WORLD Coffee Club!
The Member Cap is set to 365 members, each contributing to a living standard in harmony with what can be indirectly defined by the limits specified in "Earth For All – A Survival Guide for Humanity" - see here. In other words - UBI/UBD. Universal Basic Income/Dividend.
All Members get to be a part of a Community where insights are shared in-depth on Life, Love, Universe and Beyond! I invite for a Swedish Fika on demand, 1430HRS CE(S)T Monday-Thursday, for a dedicated 1-to-1! And also in process to set up communities (FB Group of practical reasons, and Discord Server of idealistic drive - in the diaspora beyond the fkkd up corporates dominating our minds), where I share stuff in the popular science domain [pop.sci]-tagged stuffs of a wider and broader range, related to my ChangeMaking Flows at large!
To keep up-to-date with the progress of me, myself, and I, going together in all togetherness of a World In Love Flow, sign up for my Monthly Update (7m read) and Dailies (1m) over at Substack!
Once again – THANK YOU for your Deed!
Love all. Serve all.
Act good. Think well. Be nice!
Peace & Love,
"Meet Your Fellow Beings With Love And Respect, And Expect To Be Met With The Same"
Anders Abrahamsson