Minka - Help us build a better tomorrow
At Pachamama Sacred Paths we honor our roots. Our organization and all of our inspirations (Assistance programs, Retreats, Pilgrimages, Courses, and Initiations) have taken life thanks to Andean Cosmology, particularly from Q'ero spirituality. We honor this with all of our hearts and so, We are happy to invite you to help us contribute to 3 different assistance projects:
1. Giving back to the Q'ero:
The Q'ero's mission has been to bring back the wisdom that allows humanity to transcend the normal day-to-day mundane conflicts to begin living as the Pachakuteq, embodying consciousness and becoming true "Human-Beings".
In this 1st fundraiser, we will divide the following 3 benefits to 1 of 5 communities (Japu, Marcachea, Quico, Q’ero Totorani, Hatun Q’eros) whichever needs it the most
The Q'ero have provided us with Clarity, Coherent Communication, and Spirituality for which we would like to give back and provide them with:
- Clarity as Electricity: bringing electric power with a heavy-duty generator
- Coherent Communication as an open community center: creating a 3000sq/ft Multi-Function community center that serves as storage, community meetings and shelter.
- Spirituality as Water: We will build 1 water well, with its necessary water purification system.
For the Community center we have quoted a heavy-duty metallic structure for $19,500 including materials, permits
For the Water Well, we received a quote of $5,510 including the sediment filtration tank
For the electric generator, we have a quote for a 9800KW Kubota generator for $15,360
-Q'ero total - $40,370 (52% of Pachamama's project)
2. Assistance for Street children in Mexico and Peru:
$4,445 dls for Mexico (Chihuahua and Puebla)
$4,445 dls for Peru (Cusqo and Q'eros)
Total of $8,890 (11.4% of our project)
These funds will be distrubuted for a period of 6 months as funds are collected
The funds are used for covering basic needs from clothing to food, and education.
This is Minka: Investing in our people! Contributing to our communituy, especially those communities that bring the wisdom that enriches your spiritual life
3. Contribute to Pachamama's Scholarship fund, Volunteer program and Logistic's operations:
1/3 of this category's funds will be distributed according to the community's individual needs when they are called to assist to a spiritual Retreat or any of the Shamanic Initiations whether it is the online 9 month course, the Pratismarati course or the Andean Energy Healing dynamics
Additionally, 1/3 of this category's funds will be allocated to creating a fund for all trained volunteers to receive financial assitance whenever they are facilitating at the retreats. Our trained volunteers, cook, clean, help participants in everyway needed and we value this so much. We are happy to give back
Finally, 1/3 of these funds will be directed at travel expenses from Shamans to and from Peru, and the organization's logistic expenses such as Clerical work, micro-dosing bottles and other miscellaneous investments.
Total of $28,517 (36.6% of our project)
We are very happy and excited to begin this journey of contribution to the raising of quality of life of our communities and our brothers and sisters who strive for a better Tomorrow
Every dollar you donate will be distributed as follows
52% to the Q'ero project, Electricity, Community center and water
11.4% to Street Childen assistnce in Peru and Mexico
36.6% to Pachamama's operations: volunteer fund, South America Travel expenses, logistics, and other miscellaneus investments.
Contribute and become part of this Change!
To become personally involved in these projects please reach out directly to us at www.sacredpachamama.org
Munay Munay Munay
Pachamama Sacred Paths

Pachamama Sacred Paths
Atwater, CA
Church of Pachamama Sacred Paths